The BMJ Best Practice podcast publishes interviews with clinical experts, aimed at healthcare professionals and students with an interest in keeping up to date ...
The purpose of BMJ Best Practice is to provide knowledge that will help healthcare professionals deliver better care. In this podcast, Dr Clare Mock explains how you can put evidence based knowledge into practice to ensure that we achieve high quality and safe healthcare.
Clare is Clinical Engagement Physician at BMJ and has a great deal of experience in safety, quality improvement and implementation science.
Competing interests: CM works for BMJ.
Hyperkalemia is common and can be serious. It can result in life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. So it is important that we assess this problem properly, find an underlying diagnosis if there is one, and manage appropriately.
To find out more about this problem and what we can do about it, please do listen to this BMJ Best Practice podcast interview with Sri Yarlagadda, Associate Professor at The University of Kansas Medical Center.
Competing interests: None declared
For more on hyperkalemia, visit BMJ Best Practice.
Hypothyroidism is common. The prevalence of overt hypothyroidism in the general population ranges between 0.2 and 5%. And it can cause a range of complications - from heart to brain problems to problems during pregnancy. So it is important that we get the diagnosis and management of this condition right.
To find out more about this problem and what we can do about it, listen to this interview with Dr Wail Malaty who works as a physician in Houston, Texas. Wail is our BMJ Best Practice author on hypothyroidism. Competing interests: None
For more on hypothyroidism, visit BMJ Best Practice.
Wrist fracture
Wrist fractures are common. They can occur in older women with osteoporosis and low-impact injury. Or young men with high-impact injuries.
And they can cause complications from malunion to joint stiffness to complex regional pain syndrome.
So it is important that we get the diagnosis and management of this condition right.
To find out more about this problem and what we can do about it, listen to this podcast with Michael Barrett, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and BMJ Best Practice author on wrist fracture.
For more on wrist fractures, visit the BMJ Best Practice topic.
Competing interests: MB is a director of, an online education platform for orthopaedic surgeons. receives sponsorship from the healthcare industry.
Tourette syndrome
Tourette syndrome has a prevalence of 0.6% in children and adolescents ages 6 to 17 years, with about half of patients undiagnosed. And Tourette syndrome is associated with distress, substance abuse, and treatment-related side effects. So it is important that we get the diagnosis and management of this condition right.
To find out more about this problem and what we can do about it, please do listen to his podcast interview with Marco Grados, Clinical Director and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Division for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins.
Marco is the author of our topic on Tourette syndrome on BMJ Best Practice. Competing interests: None
The BMJ Best Practice podcast publishes interviews with clinical experts, aimed at healthcare professionals and students with an interest in keeping up to date with the latest scientific developments, evidence-based medicine and guidelines.
BMJ Best Practice is ranked one of the best clinical decision support tools for health professionals worldwide.* Structured around the clinical workflow and updated daily, BMJ Best Practice uses the latest evidence-based research, guidelines and expert opinion to offer step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention.
*Kwag KH, González-Lorenzo M, Banzi R, Bonovas S, Moja L. Providing Doctors With High-Quality Information: An Updated Evaluation of Web-Based Point-of-Care Information Summaries
The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The content of this podcast does not constitute medical advice and it is not intended to function as a substitute for a healthcare practitioner’s judgement...