The One Habit I'm Trying To Build This Year
Ever feel like life gets so busy that the things that once brought you joy get pushed to the side? This year, I’m prioritizing one habit I’ve let slip for far too long. Something that was once my go-to for inspiration, creativity, and escape, but as my days filled up with creating, that habit faded into the background. In this episode, I break down why this habit is my focus for 2025, how I’m setting myself up for success, and the small adjustments I’m making to ensure this habit sticks.For more go to: www.scottmlynch.comLevel up your life by joining my Patreon where you’ll get exclusive content every week and more badass offerings (rips t-shirt in half, Hulk Hogan style, and runs around the room). And/or…Unlock practical and tactical insights on how to master your mindset and optimize your happiness directly to your inbox.If you’re a glutton for punishment and want more swift kicks in the mind follow me on social:InstagramYouTubeLeave a review and tell me how I suck so I can stop doing that or you can also tell me about things you like. I’d be okay with that, too.Produced by ya boi.Past guests on The Motivated Mind include Chris Voss, Captain Sandy, Dr. Chris Palmer, Joey Thurman, Jason Harris, Koshin Paley Ellison, Rudy Mawer, Molly Fletcher, Kristen Butler, Hasard Lee, Natasha Graziano, David Hauser, Cheryl Hunter, Michael Brandt, Heather Moyse, Tim Shriver, and Alan Stein, Jr.