Better Work B*tch: S9 Ep 6 - The Stock Market Crash of 2023 Astrology Prediction: Venus, Recession, Nodal Return + MORE
*This episode is an astrology analysis based on research* Let's talk about the potentially scary. Recession + an economic crash.... We have two major eclipses in October of 2023 that are back-to-back, and so much more important astrology this year that is eluding to, or blatantly indicating to an economic crash. Solar Libra eclipse on Oct. 14th and Taurus Lunar eclipse on Oct. 28th. Didn't the stock market crash back on Oct. 28 in 1929? Interesting... I share insight on my intuitive msgs, dream visions and the astrology of my prediction of the stock market/economic crash of 2023. If it crashes, Octber 2023 and November 2023 are pivotal months. Especially Nov. 17th, seems to be an astrologically significant day for our economy. I could be wrong, and I am not attached to the outcome. Honestly, it would maybe be best on the surface level, if I am incorrecct. Nonetheless, I share this info from a place of respect and without negative ego. Gratefully a messenger. Historically, the stock market (with other significant astro markings) tends to crash during Sept. and into Oct., and it's mostly because of the Stock Market's birth chart/electional chart's natal Virgo, Leo, and Libra placements. Did you know the stock market is an official Cancer zodiac sun sign? Yeah, I talk about all that and more. Tune in with an open mind, no negativity, and no scarcity mindset. This is an astrological prediction on the stock market crash that has a high probability of happening this year because of the reversal nodal return. We talk a lot of astrology in this episode. So grab your pen and paper. Hit rewind, and take your time listening. Pls receive this episode from a place of awareness and empathy. This is not meant to fearmonger in anyway. Pls take this as a productice episode with this intention to help our communities of color be come prepared and further familiar with the astrological dialogue that is here to support us as we ascend. This episode should not be considered as or replaced for professional financial, legal, or economic advice. Always consult with a professional in those spaces. We are re-generating Venusian energy in 2023 as a conscious collective. Teaching us the affirmations of I AM (Aries), I HAVE (Taurus), I DESIRE (Scorpio), I FEEL (Cancer) + I WEIGH (Libra). I share the eclipse history of every year the economy/stock market crashed along with how the current transits are influencing the electional chart of Wall Street with the offical date of June 27, 1921. Inqueries:
[email protected] IG: Patreon: Website: X: @jgalejandrez TikTok: @esoteric_esa May you manifest wisely. And so it is.