From the producers of Up and Vanished, Tenderfoot TV and iHeartPodcasts present, 'Atlanta Monster.' This true crime podcast tells the story of one of the city’s...
While digging through an old memory box, host Thrasher Banks discovers forgotten VHS tapes, police reports, and faded letters regarding a 1995 murder in Dayton, Ohio. Drawn to the connection between this murder and the other seemingly innocuous contents of the box, Thrasher begins an investigation. As he follows the threads, he finds that a participant in the 1995 murder may be connected to more than one brutal, unsolved case… Against the backdrop of Ohio in the 1980s and 90s, around the height of satanic panic, this true crime story explores memory, perception, and a personal quest for the truth. Join Thrasher as he unpacks this box and searches for answers about the “Lords of Death.” Listen now or subscribe to Tenderfoot+ to binge the show ad-free!See for privacy information.
The Mindhunter Himself & ATLM Update [bonus]
Payne interviews acclaimed criminal profiler John Douglas about his work on Atlanta's Missing & Murdered case. Plus, a case update— the current mayor reopens the Atlanta Child Murders for further investigation. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Sheriff [bonus]
Why is Sidney Dorsey so important to this case? What role did he have in the Atlanta Child Murders, and why is he in a Georgia Prison? Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
The Night Shift [bonus]
Recalling Wayne's time working as a stringer... under the cover of night. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
Live from CrimeCon [bonus]
Live from CrimeCon 2018, Payne Lindsey and team take you inside the hit podcasts Atlanta Monster and Up and Vanished. Moderated by HowStuffWorks’ Jason Hoch. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
From the producers of Up and Vanished, Tenderfoot TV and iHeartPodcasts present, 'Atlanta Monster.' This true crime podcast tells the story of one of the city’s darkest secrets, The Atlanta Child Murders. Nearly 40 years after these horrific crimes, many questions still remain. Host Payne Lindsey aims to find truth and provide closure, reexamining the disappearance and murder of over 25 African American children and young adults.