About the American Manufacturing Communities Collaborative (AMCC)AMCC is a non-profit organization assembled and led by a group of regional and national stakeholders dedicated to strengthening collaboration within and between regional manufacturing communities. AMCC works to achieve sustainable development in America through economic growth, improved environmental performance, and inclusive well-paid job creation to support the revitalization of American manufacturing. Born out of an interagency program, the Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (IMCP), AMCC was created as a national organization of regional stakeholders to continue the important work of deepening connections and sharing best practices within community ecosystems and between manufacturing regions. AMCC has championed the bottom-up, community-driven model of building ecosystems of support to help manufacturers thrive, and was recently designated by the U.S. EDA as the nation’s manufacturing Community of Practice. AMCC supports regional consortia organized to strengthen manufacturing in any number of public/private initiatives to include federal agency community designation programs like IMCP, DOD’s DMCSP, the EDA’s BBBRC and their emerging Tech Hub program.About Manufacturing an American Century’s Host:Matt Bogoshian leads the American Manufacturing Communities Collaborative (AMCC), a successor organization to the Obama Administration’s IMCP initiative he helped to lead as Senior Policy Counsel at the U.S. EPA. The work of IMCP and AMCC became a model for the Tech Hub program within the CHIPS and Science Act and other recently enacted federal interventions.His range of law experience includes time as a business litigator and general counsel, policy official at the California EPA, consumer and environmental prosecutor, and U.S. Navy JAG Corps Officer. His past work includes co-founding the Fourth Sector Group, service on educational and affordable housing boards, writing, podcasting, and teaching environmental law enforcement at Georgetown University Law Center and sustainability law at King Hall, University of California, Davis Law School where he also serves on the board of the California Environmental Law and Policy Center. He is the co-author with John Dernbach and Irma Russell of the 2022 book published by the American Bar Association, Sustainability Essentials: A Leadership Guide for Lawyers. Matt can be reached at
[email protected].