Deep in the back of your mind, you’ve always had the feeling that there’s something strange about reality. There is. Join Robert Lamb and Joe McCormick as they ...
In this classic episode of Stuff to Blow Your Mind, Robert and Joe discuss our psychological tendency to overestimate our control over events, with implications for everything from gambling and paranormal beliefs to our movements through everyday life. (originally published 2/10/2024, part 2 of 3)See for privacy information.
Weirdhouse Cinema Rewind: Blacula
In this classic episode of Weirdhouse Cinema, Rob and Joe discuss the 1972 horror film “Blacula” directed by William Crain and starring William Marshall as Prince Mamuwalde. (originally published 2/2/2024)See for privacy information.
From the Vault: The Illusion of Control, Part 1
In this classic episode of Stuff to Blow Your Mind, Robert and Joe discuss our psychological tendency to overestimate our control over events, with implications for everything from gambling and paranormal beliefs to our movements through everyday life. (originally published 2/8/2024, part 1 of 3)See for privacy information.
Weirdhouse Cinema: The Hunger
In this special Valentine’s Day episode of Weirdhouse Cinema, Rob and Joe discuss the 1983 goth LGBTQ vampire horror film “The Hunger,” directed by Tony Scott and starring Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie and Susan Sarandon.See for privacy information.
The Burning Mountains of Io, Part 3
In this episode of Stuff to Blow Your Mind, Robert and Joe return once more to the Jovian moon of Io, to discuss more recent findings about its volcanism and geology, as well as a look at the mythology behind its name.See for privacy information.
Deep in the back of your mind, you’ve always had the feeling that there’s something strange about reality. There is. Join Robert Lamb and Joe McCormick as they examine neurological quandaries, cosmic mysteries, evolutionary marvels and our transhuman future.