KidNuz: Kids deserve a daily newscast all their own. Kickstart their morning with 7 minutes of timely, unbiased, and age-appropriate stories from politics, ente...
Eagles Win, Super Bowl Flu, Colossal Contender, Snow Parade, Jets Jettison Aaron, Dog Debutante and the NFL’s Swift Lift!
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Rent-a-Chicken, Golden State’s Gamble, Coastal Creep, Kansas City Spirit, Surprise Seaside Snoozer and AI Cracks Ancient Code!
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Storm After Storm, Buyout Dilemma, Slogging Up the Slopes, Ginormous O-Line, Eggs-pensive Waffles & Pastry Pinnacle!
KidNuz: Kids deserve a daily newscast all their own. Kickstart their morning with 7 minutes of timely, unbiased, and age-appropriate stories from politics, entertainment, science, health, and sports. Professionally written, professionally delivered by 4 Emmy-winning journalists who also happen to be moms. Listen in five days a week, starting at 7 am.