Podcast with Francis Chan, best-selling author of Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, Multiply, You and Me Forever and Letters to the Church, and most rece...
Not Ashamed of the Gospel (The End Times Series, Pt. 5) | Francis Chan
As believers, we often find ourselves in a delicate balance between two perspectives. On one hand, we’re called to love the lost without compromising the truth. On the other, we must stand firm in the truth while avoiding self-righteousness. So, how do we navigate this tension? In this week’s teaching, Francis Chan dives into Paul’s message in 2 Timothy 4, painting a picture of a church where truth is never watered down, love and boldness go hand in hand, and the mission is clear: preach the Word, no matter the cost.
Title: Are You Ready? (The End Times Series, Pt. 4) | Francis Chan
When you think about the end times, what comes to mind? Mysterious prophecies? World leaders? What if the Bible’s real focus isn’t on those details at all, but on something far more personal—and urgent? In today’s teaching, Francis Chan challenges us to shift our perspective on the end times. Instead of chasing signs and dates, ask yourself, “Are you living in a way that’s ready for Christ’s return?”
Listen to “Are You Ready? (The End Times Series, Pt. 4)” on the Crazy Love Podcast: https://www.crazylove.org/podcast
Counterfeit Christianity (The End Times Series, Pt. 3) | Francis Chan
In this message, Francis Chan challenges the Church to live out true faith in a world full of deception and false teachings. He reminds us that faith is revealed by us through action, especially in difficult times.
Nothing to Fear (The End Times Series, Pt. 2) | Francis Chan
Are you living in fear of a world spiraling out of control, or are you standing in the peace and power God promises? In this sermon, Francis Chan challenges believers to move beyond fear, superficial godliness, and self-centeredness by embracing the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, living with bold faith, and trusting God’s sovereignty and the hope of redemption.
Crazy Love of Self (The End Times Series, Pt. 1) | Francis Chan
In this message, Francis Chan examines the signs of the "last days" as outlined in 2 Timothy, shedding light on the dangers of self-love, materialism, and a superficial approach to faith. Francis challenges us to reconsider our priorities and live with a love that reflects Christ's sacrificial example.
Podcast with Francis Chan, best-selling author of Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, Multiply, You and Me Forever and Letters to the Church, and most recently Until Unity. For more resources from Crazy Love Ministries or to support the work of Crazy Love please visit our website at crazylove.org