We’re living in a time filled with distraction and disconnection from the things that matter most. Things like faith, family, friendship, and childhood innocenc...
Embracing Slow Travel While Walking Throught the Cotswolds with Jaime Fenwick
I am so excited to share this episode with you all! And I have some big news to share with you! But first, I want to thank you for the way you have showed up during my book release. The pre-orders, the shares on social media and all the supportive messages and love have meant more to you than you’ll ever know. Now let’s keep going and get this book into the hands of as many people as we can. It is already changing lives! If you haven’t ordered your book yet, you can get it here. Now onto the show! My guest today is Jaime Fenwick, the founder of Bringing Inspiration Home, lover of slow and intentional travel, photographer and home schooling mom of 3. Jaime loves the idea of bringing the inspiration of any kind of travel, and especially slow travel, home to her family and day to day life. One of the ways she does this is with her women’s walking retreats in the Cotswolds of England. AND THE BIG NEWS IS: I get to team up with Jaime on this trip and you can come! Each aspect of these retreats are designed by Jaime. She is a gifted planner and detail oriented and has created these retreats to be so fulfilling in every way. First, it is a gift to have all the details planned for you. No decision fatigue! Jaime has all the details taken care of—where we’ll sleep each night (quaint and cozy inns!) where we’ll eat (local restaurants and pubs!) and the beautiful section of the trail that we’ll walk through the Cotswolds. Luggage is ferried from place to place for us and we only carry a day pack and hiking poles. How incredible it will be to unplug, slow down from our frantic pace of life and enjoy in nature and together. For you it might be a time to find space to celebrate, heal, connect with your soul, with God, or with a friend. It might be a time to adventure, have fun, or seek creative inspiration. No matter what, I know it will be good for us, mind, body and spirit. Want to come?? You can get more details about the trip right here! Where to find Jaime: Find Jaime’s website here Find Jaime on Instagram here Find trip details here The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
How to Talk to Your Kids About Porn, Finding Freedom from Shame, and Parenting with Compassion and Hope with Greta Eskridge and Megan Marshman
Podcast friends! It is a big day around here! Today is the one-year anniversary of the Greta Eskridge Podcast! One year of hanging with you every single week. Thank you for being here and being a part of this journey. Also, my new book, It’s Time to Talk to Your Kids About Porn, comes out today! This book has been over 15 years in the making. It’s been 15 years of prayers, sometimes tears, of learning, and of hope. And today, you can hold it in your hands. In honor of the book coming out today, my dear friend Megan Marshman is my guest host, and she is interviewing me! Megan and I talk about how I became an unlikely porn fighter, how God grew compassion in my heart for my husband and so many other victims of pornography, and how God gave me a vision of hope and generational change for my own family and yours. We also model what it looks like to talk to your kids about porn whether they’re younger, older, have already seen porn or not. We show you that this conversation doesn’t have to be as scary or difficult as you think it will be. Megan and I are thrilled to share this hopeful conversation with you. And if you haven’t ordered my new book yet, today is the day! You can find it right here. Where to find Megan: Find Megan on Instagram here Find Megan’s website here Resources mentioned in this podcast: Quote from Tim Keller: “To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God." Bible verse: Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit" The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
Writing a New Story After Rejection—Healing and Hope is Possible with Tabitha Panariso
Hi friends! There is only one more week to pre-order my book It’s Time to Talk to Your Kids About Porn: a Parent’s Guide to Helping Children and Teens Develop Sexual Integrity. If you haven’t pre-ordered yet, it is not too late to do so! You will have access to the fabulous pre-order bonuses available right here. And you’d be helping me get the book in front of more people. Thank you so much for supporting me, this book and my message to help kids and families. And now onto episode 53! I got to talk to my new friend Tabitha Panariso about her incredible new book, Loyal in His Love: An Invitation to Be Held by Jesus When Others Let You Go. This book is so special, insightful and comforting. It deeply touched me. And talking to Tabitha was like the icing on the cake because she, like her book, is wise and comforting. You’ll love this conversation. I sure did. Where to find Tabitha: Find her book here Find her on Substack here Find her on Instagram here The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
My Favorite Books, Being a Sprinkle Influencer, Mid Life Hormones and more! with Greta Eskridge
First off, a reminder for you! Now is the time to pre-order my book It’s Time to Talk to Your Kids About Porn: a Parent’s Guide to Helping Children and Teens Develop Sexual Integrity. The book comes out in 2 short weeks and your pre -orders are wildly important to helping this book get into more hands. Thank you for supporting this book and its message to help kids and families. Now onto episode 52! It’s another fun Q+A session with me. I answered quite a few of the questions you sent in. I explained how I became a sprinkle influencer, how my midlife hormones are doing, shared some of my favorite books, and some more fun stuff. I love doing these Q + A episodes because I feel like I am just hanging out with you. Be sure to check out the links below. There are some good ones in from this episode. Where to find Greta: Find Greta on Instagram here Find Greta’s books here Find Greta’s website here Resources mentioned in this episode: Find Dutch sprinkles here and here Find my fave tide pooling beach in Malibu here Find the Huntington Gardens here Find The Getty Museum here Find my fave faith filled book here and here Find 2 of my fave fiction books here and here The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
Helping Kids Grow a Bolder Faith with Biographies with Leah Boden
I’m so glad you’re here for episode 51 with my dear friend, Leah Boden! Leah, who is also known as Modern Miss Mason, is a long time, in real life friend, who lives far from me in England. But we love each other so much we have stayed connected through occasional visits and long talks on Voxer over the miles and years. In this episode Leah tells us all about a new book series she’s written called Tales of Boldness and Faith. The first two books in the series were just released and we get to hear all about them. These books are narrative biographies written for the middle grade reader, but they are books that any parent will love reading with their kids, or on their own like me. You’ll love listening to how Leah grew this series from the seed of an idea into fully blossomed books. And you’ll love hearing all the fun tidbits about writing the books, and the fun surprises she has hidden in the books for your kids to discover. They might love listening to this episode too. Above all, these books will inspire your kids to grow a bigger, bolder faith. Don’t forget to pre-order my book It’s Time to Talk to Your Kids About Porn: a Parent’s Guide to Helping Children and Teens Develop Sexual Integrity. The book comes out in 3 short weeks and your pre -orders are wildly important to helping this book get into more hands. Thank you for helping me spread the word! Where to find Leah: Find her on Instagram here Find her website here Find her books here Find her community on Substack here The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information visit www.ChristianParenting.org
We’re living in a time filled with distraction and disconnection from the things that matter most. Things like faith, family, friendship, and childhood innocence feel harder and harder to hold onto.But I believe a joyful, connected life is possible with Jesus’s help because he offers us life to the full!It’s time to open our eyes to the wonder God has put all around us, so join me each week on The Greta Eskridge Podcast as some of my favorite friends and I explore ways to create connection in our families and chase joy through both the peaks and valleys of parenting and life.The Greta Eskridge Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. For more information, visit www.ChristianParenting.org
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