#288 Empower Your Kids to Navigate Cultural Challenges with Truth, with Shanda Fulbright
Former public school teacher Shanda Fulbright joins the podcast to talk about how each Christian parent can navigate the cultural challenges their kids will encounter whether they choose to send them to public school, private school, or homeschool. We talk through practical ways parents can disciple their kids with a biblical worldview in each stage of development. Plus, Shanda is teaching a course for 7th-9th graders on apologetics that includes the foundation of truth and Christianity, as well as a survey of counterfeit gospels and world religions. Her course starts on February 24th, so register your teen today at: https://www.onlinechristiancourses.school/bundles/expedition-to-reality-exploring-worldviews-and-major-world-religions-premium-2025-bundle Use code ALISA10 for 10% off!------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:GOOD RANCHERSGood Meat DeliveredGo to www.goodranchers.com/alisa for more information.Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to www.alisachilders.com/musicThere you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/alisachildersTo order “Another Gospel”: www.alisachilders.com/another-gospel/To order “Live Your Truth": www.alisachilders.com/live-your-truth-and-other-lies/To order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: https://alisachilders.com/the-deconstruction-of-christianity/For Alisa's Merch: https://alisachilders.creator-spring.comTo see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to:https://kit.co/alisachildersPotential Sponsors: https://alisachilders.com/sponsor-request-form/Product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.
#287 The Sin of People-Pleasing, with Jinger Duggar Vuolo
Jinger Duggar Vuolo joins the podcast to talk about how important it is to fear God over man, and how "people-pleasing" can harm relationships, silence truth, and cause mission drift. She shares her story of growing up on TV, breaking free from the false teachings of Bill Gothard, and ultimately overcoming people-pleasing to speak out against these doctrines. She speaks about navigating conflict, applying the Bible to everyday situations, and what it has cost her to fear God over man. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:SEVEN WEEKS COFFEETaste the Coffee that is Saving Lives.Go to www.sevenweekscoffee.com for more information.Use my code: ALISAFOUNDATION WORLDVIEWFoundation Worldview creates curriculum series that will empower your child to thinkBiblically in a deceptive world.Go to www.foundationworldview.com for more information!Use my code: ALISASUMMITGive your kids a stronger foundation to embrace a biblical worldview.Go to www.summit.org for more informationUse my code: ALISA25--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to www.alisachilders.com/musicThere you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/alisachildersTo order “Another Gospel”: www.alisachilders.com/another-gospel/To order “Live Your Truth": www.alisachilders.com/live-your-truth-and-other-lies/To order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: https://alisachilders.com/the-deconstruction-of-christianity/For Alisa's Merch: https://alisachilders.creator-spring.comTo see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to:https://kit.co/alisachildersPotential Sponsors: https://alisachilders.com/sponsor-request-form/Product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.
#286 Think the Bible Has Errors? Here's What you Might be Missing
Can you defend the inerrancy of Scripture? What do we mean when we say the Bible is inspired by God? Maybe you've heard that the Bible contains the word of God, or that it becomes the word of God, or that the Bible's concepts are the word of God. In today's podcast, I hope to show that the Bible, in its entirety, IS the Word of God. We talk through different views of biblical inspiration, and discuss the philosophical argument for inerrancy. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:FOUNDATION WORLDVIEWFoundation Worldview creates curriculum series that will empower your child to thinkBiblically in a deceptive world. Go to www.foundationworldview.com for more information! Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to www.alisachilders.com/musicThere you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/alisachildersTo order “Another Gospel”: www.alisachilders.com/another-gospel/To order “Live Your Truth": www.alisachilders.com/live-your-truth-and-other-lies/To order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: https://alisachilders.com/the-deconstruction-of-christianity/For Alisa's Merch: https://alisachilders.creator-spring.comTo see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to:https://kit.co/alisachildersPotential Sponsors: https://alisachilders.com/sponsor-request-form/Product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.
#285 Should Christians Speak up about Politics? with Natasha Crain
Natasha Crain joins the podcast to discuss her new book, "When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square." In this episode, we discuss the radical shift in culture since 2020 and how many Christians are now divided on how to engage with culture and politics. We cover topics such as social justice narratives, Christian nationalism, the biblical principles surrounding government, and moral issues such as abortion and gender ideology. Natasha also gives the church some fantastic advice on how to engage these difficult topics in an increasingly hostile public square. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:SEVEN WEEKS COFFEETaste the Coffee that is Saving Lives.Go to www.sevenweekscoffee.com for more information.Use my code: ALISAGOOD RANCHERSGood Meat DeliveredGo to www.goodranchers.com/alisa for more information.Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to www.alisachilders.com/musicThere you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/alisachildersTo order “Another Gospel”: www.alisachilders.com/another-gospel/To order “Live Your Truth": www.alisachilders.com/live-your-truth-and-other-lies/To order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: https://alisachilders.com/the-deconstruction-of-christianity/For Alisa's Merch: https://alisachilders.creator-spring.comTo see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to:https://kit.co/alisachildersPotential Sponsors: https://alisachilders.com/sponsor-request-form/Product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.
#284 An Ex-Progressive Christian Speaks out on Deconstruction and Evangelical Culture, with Dave Stovall
Dave Stovall, former guitar player for Audio Adrenaline and Wavorly joins the podcast to talk about how he began to deconstruct while touring in contemporary Christian music. His deconstruction took him into progressive Christianity, where he found himself befriended by a local pastor. They began to study the Bible together, and Dave began his journey back into the historic Christian faith. Today he is a husband, dad, and local worship leader. Dave shares his story and offers some key insights into what caused him to start doubting the Evangelical faith he grew up in, and what ultimately persuaded him to lose faith in progressive Christianity. ------------------------------------------------------------------This video is sponsored by:FOUNDATION WORLDVIEWFoundation Worldview creates curriculum series that will empower your child to thinkBiblically in a deceptive world. Go to www.foundationworldview.com for more information! Use my code: ALISASEVEN WEEKS COFFEETaste the Coffee that is Saving Lives.Go to www.sevenweekscoffee.com for more information.Use my code: ALISAGOOD RANCHERSGood Meat DeliveredGo to www.goodranchers.com/alisa for more information.Use my code: ALISA--------------------------------------------------------------------To Purchase the new CD, “Beauty from the Ash”, go to www.alisachilders.com/musicThere you can get the CD, backing tracks, string charts, rhythm charts and stems.Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/alisachildersTo order “Another Gospel”: www.alisachilders.com/another-gospel/To order “Live Your Truth": www.alisachilders.com/live-your-truth-and-other-lies/To order “The Deconstruction of Christianity”: https://alisachilders.com/the-deconstruction-of-christianity/For Alisa's Merch: https://alisachilders.creator-spring.comTo see what gear Alisa uses to record her podcast, go to:https://kit.co/alisachildersPotential Sponsors: https://alisachilders.com/sponsor-request-form/Product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.