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Podcast Sur-Urbano
Latin American Cities Working Group
“Sur-urbano” is a podcast where we talk to leading scholars, planners and activists on Latin American cities about their work, the cities they love and how to m...

Episodios disponibles

5 de 45
  • RERUN: What makes cities more or less unequal? With Ben Bradlow
    The question of inequality haunts the global north and south as economic, racial and other forms of inequality appear to grow deeper and to more devastating effects. But although this is a global problem, it is not an inevitable or homogeneous one, and local actors can have a role in responding to this dynamic. That is why in today’s episode we ask: ‘Why are some cities more equal than others?”. To answer this question, Flavia Leite and Isabel Peñaranda talk to Ben Bradlow, an associate research scholar and lecturer at Princeton. Through a south-south comparison of Sao Paulo and Johanseburg, Ben argues that some cities are better at reducing inequality than others because of their degree of embeddedness and cohesion.Bradlow's book, Urban Power (forthcoming with Princeton University Press) asks “Why are some cities more effective than others at reducing inequality?” To answer this question, he compares the divergent politics of distributing urban public goods — housing, sanitation, and transportation — in two mega-cities after transitions to democracy: Johannesburg, South Africa, and São Paulo, Brazil. Because the book isn’t out yet, we based our interview on two papers: a 2022 paper in Theory and Society – ⁠Embeddedness and cohesion: regimes of urban public goods distribution ⁠– and a 2021 paper in City & Community –⁠Weapons of the Strong: Elite Resistance and the Neo-Apartheid City⁠Ben Bradlow is an Associate Research Scholar in the Department of Sociology at Princeton University and a Lecturer in Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs. He is trained as both a sociologist and city planner, and holds a PhD in Sociology from Brown University (2020), and a Masters in City Planning from MIT (2013).Flavia Leite is a PhD student in City & Regional Planning at UC Berkeley. Her research interest revolves around the relationship between formal and informal housing markets, with a specific focus on housing financialization, access to credit, and housing policy in Latin America.
  • Sur-Urbano on DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS de Bad Bunny
    Este es un episodio atípico, y un poquito improvisado. Enél, entrevisto a tres puertoriqueños – Juan Arroyo, Coral Murphy y Ashely Ortiz, quienes son periodistas de música y estudiantes de doctorado en temas afines – para que nos ayuden a entender el album en su contexto. Descubríademás que Sebastián Duque, mi editor y colaborador esencial en este podcast, es un erudito del reggaeton, entonces también lo invite a participar. Juntos analizamos algunas de nuestras canciones favoritas desde la perspectiva musical, política y territorial.  Vamos perfilando la crisis existencial en la que se encuentra Puerto Rico, afligido por la herencia del colonialismo y en unaentrecrucijada entre convertirse un estado más de los Estados Unidos, o un movimiento cada más poderoso que busca la independencia. Es, como ha dicho Bad Bunny, su album más Puertoriqueño, pero también más universal. Lo que ha presenciado Sebastián en Cartagena, o yo en Washingon Heights en Nueva York, o los Puerto Riqueños en su isla, es un proceso de despojo de su derecho a la ciudad, a su territorio. Y realmente en este momento, cuantos no sentimos – estemosen Estados Unidos, América Latina, o demás –que los intereses de Sillicon Valley y el gran capital no nos está convertiendo, en cierto sentido, en extraños en nuestra propia tierra? Que el mundo se está forjando para interesas incompatibles con el bienestar de nuestras comunidades? Arrancamos con una conversación con Juan Arroyo, periodista de medios y sobre todo de música que ha escrito para publicaciones como Rolling Stone, Pitchfork y demás.Me acompaña como cohost y partícipe Coral Murphy,colega de doctorado de UC Berkelye, y también periodista para medios como el Guardian y the New York times. Segundo acto, con Sebastián Duque, Cartagenero exiliado aBogotá y editor del podcast. Para finalizar, hablo con Ashley  Ortiz Chico, estudiante de Doctorado en Estudios Latinoamericanos en la Universidad de Tulane quien trabaja temas de justicia Ambiental y decolonialidad en Puerto Rico. El trabajo de Ashley centrael trabajo de organizaciones comunitarias que combinan la proteccion de la memoria historica y y cultural con la proteccion ecológica. 
  • Latinos for Trump and the Multi-Racial Right with Daniel Martinez HoSang
    Since his inauguration just over a week ago, President Donald Trump has signed 8 executive orders and taken over 21 actions linked to immigration, evoking the notion of an “invasion” to justify a harsh military approach and promising “mass deportations”. Three days ago, his administration’s decision to use military airplanes to deport migrants – often handcuffed and treated like criminals – set off a diplomatic crisis with Colombia. Our president Gustavo Petro refused to accept two military flights with deported Colombians; Trump’s response was a disproportionate and vindictive weaponization of tariffs, which he threatened to raise 50%, and a repeal of all government official visas. Even though Petro ultimately accepted the fights, the fallout continues. Colombia was made an example of, to send the message that anyone that responds to Trump with anything other than complete submission – both inside and outside the US - will be aggressively punished. And yet in perhaps the most racist and overtly imperialist expression of the Republican party, Trump won with a significant increase of the Latino vote. The inspiration for this episode of Sur-Urbano was the shift towards the right in predominantly latino cities in the US. Miami-Dade county, which is 70% latino, swung republican for the first time since 1988. In counties all over the US-Mexico border - which tend to be majority or have large latino populations - the Trump vote grew by 10 to 25%, even in cases where Trump lost. This even happened in blue states and cities; in California, the largely latino Central Valley supported trump, and even in Queens and the Bronx in New York, the Trump vote increased by around 20%.   It is more important than ever to understand the unique power of the multi-racial right. And for this, I joined forces with cohost and political theorist Will Callinson  to interview Prof. Daniel HoSang, professor of American studies at Yale University. Daniel is an interdisciplinary scholar of racial formation and racism in politics, and coeditor of a forthcoming book titled The Politics of the Multiracial Right. I learned so much from this conversation, and am convinced that any hope of resistance must stem from a reckoning within the left, which includes better understanding of what drives voters – particularly the working class and of color – to the right.  Will Callison (williamcallison.bsky.social) is a political theorist and a Lecturer in Social Studies at Harvard University.
  • Ciclovía y el Derecho a la Ciudad Móvil con Paola Castañeda
    Todos los domingos en Bogotá, algo medio mágico pasa. Las calles que durante la semana se la pasan atestadas de carros – esas que uno como peatón se arriesga la vida cruzando – de repente se convierten en paraísos ciclistas. Niños, viejitos, señoras en spandex, adolescentes en manadas, todos se toman las calles en ciclas, patines, aeróbicos y más.   Este fenómeno – que llamamos la Ciclovía – hace poco cumplió 50 años. En este episodio inaugural de nuestra sexta temporada, hablamos con Paola Castañeda, Profesora Asistente en el departamento de Historia y Geografía de la Universidad de los Andes, y ciclista apsionada.. En este episodio, hablamos sobre su trabajo sobre el activismo de ciclismo y el derecho a la ciudad móvil,  la historia y futuro de la ciclovía, y cómo el género cruza la movilidad en diversas maneras. Discutimos los siguientes textos: From the Right to Mobility to the Right to the Mobile City: Playfulness and Mobilities in Bogotá's Cycling Activism. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/anti.12581 Gender and mobility: engaging women’s mobile lives. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384962658_Gender_and_mobility_engaging_womens_mobile_lives 10 motivos para celebrar medio siglo de la Ciclovía. https://www.lasillavacia.com/red-de-expertos/red-cachaca/10-motivos-para-celebrar-medio-siglo-de-la-ciclovia/
  • Social Housing in Brazil: State and Developers at Work
    In the early 2000s, a new market emerged in Brazil: the market for large-scale social housing. Through the Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) program, the Brazilian state promoted and financed large-scale housing for low-income families for the first time. This was only possible by aligning the incentives of state and private actors. In a 2019 article entitled 'An unprecedented alignment: state, finance, construction and housing production in Brazil since the 2000s', Professor Lucia Shimbo describes this process, and in this episode she tells us more about it. We discuss Brazil in the early 2000s, the changes in real estate dynamics, and the positive and negative consequences of the emergence of this new market for low-income homeownership in the country.

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Acerca de Sur-Urbano

“Sur-urbano” is a podcast where we talk to leading scholars, planners and activists on Latin American cities about their work, the cities they love and how to make them better. Produced by the Latin American Cities Working Group, based at UC - Berkeley, and hosted by Isabel Peñaranda Currie. To find out more, or to cohost, reach us at @latam_cities. Made possible thanks to UC Berkeley’s Global Metropolitan Studies and to the Center of Latin American Studies. Music: Jaime Alejandro Angarita Art: Rachel Meirs - https://www.instagram.com/rachel.meirs/ Production: Francesca Fenzi
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