Legacy of Leadership
In the 48th episode of the #RehabCast, join our host, Dr. Bill Niehaus, as he engages in a captivating conversation with seven esteemed members of the ACRM organization. Together, they explore the remarkable journey of the rehabilitation field and the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. As we celebrate the 100th ACRM conference, tune in to gain insights from past ACRM presidents, including Gerben DeJong, PhD, Joseph Giacino, PhD, Sue Ann Sisto, PhD, Allen Heinemann, PhD, Deborah Backus, PhD, and Pamela Roberts, PhD. Additionally, discover the perspectives of the incumbent president, Fofi Constantinidou, MD.
#RehabCast is the PM&R podcast for all of rehabilitation medicine: physiatry, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech language pathology, neuropsychology, rehabilitation nursing, and more.
#RehabCast #ACRM #rehabilitation #Leadership #MedEd
To contact the RehabCast team go to https://acrm.org/publications/archives-of-pm-r/rehabcast/
Contact Dr Niehaus at https://twitter.com/NHausMD or https://www.instagram.com/nhausmd/
Contact Jenny Ament at https://www.instagram.com/jennyament/
Contact Philip Frobos at https://www.instagram.com/philipfrobos/