Welcome to Cosmic Soul's podcast! We are Cosmic Souls tapping into our galactic crystalline fields. Remembering our sovereignty and co-creations with the divine...
This activation will help us in our challenging journeys! Meditate and ask the Masters of Light to help you clear the blockages that are in your blueprints. Namaste 🙏
Galactic and Archangels Activations
We are living in accelerated timelines, we have to raise our frequencies to help anchor the Golden Era! Meditate, be at ease with flow of divine grace! We are the ones we are waiting for! Blessings 💚🌹🌟
Prayers for peace
Prayers for peace Congratulations 9 Weeks Karma Clearing course students!!You have now completed your journeys with these Masters of Light! I pray that you will continue to be an eternal student! Bless your heart, body, mind and soul. Love and Light, Mama T 🦉We offered these prayers for those wha had lost their homes, who are suffering from griefs and fear. #lafires #phoenixhadlanded
144 Activations
Activation for 144 Ascended Master Helping #lafires to have peace and rain!! 🌧️ DANCE in the rain my love and be free of sorrows. You are born to be alive! Restarting fr the bottom of hell now you are here! Rise up Phoenix 🐦🔥
Urgency #lafires
Sharing the lighted path with my peeps! Is anybody truly listening? I guess they are now going to plug into the Oracle because the signs are all around us. Sending healing to our collective! Let us be vigilant, you are chosen to do the work! #144ascendedmasters #369
Welcome to Cosmic Soul's podcast! We are Cosmic Souls tapping into our galactic crystalline fields. Remembering our sovereignty and co-creations with the divine. Anchoring this golden Light into our collective consciousness to assist us in our ascension process. In total surrender to serve and help raise our vibrational frequencies of love and Light.