Weekly channeled messages, light language activations, transmissions, and energy updates to assist you in ascension, spiritual awakening, and the shift to highe...
Holding The Light In The Midst Of Perceived Chaos | Activations With JJ Podcast
Multidimensional Messages for Healing and Higher Consciousness
#lightlanguage #1111 #energyupdate #energyhealing #healer #lightworker #spiritualawakening #higherconsciousness #lightcodes #starseed
Make sure you are on JJ’s email list to receive latest updates and offerings! Sign up here: https://linktr.ee/activationswithjj
🌀Join The Starseed Gridwork Community: https://www.activationswithjj.com/starseed-gridwork-community
🌀Keep Up To Date With My Latest Offerings: https://activationswithjj.com/offerings
🌀Purchase my On-Demand Light Language Activation Course: https://www.activationswithjj.com/light-language-course
🌀Playback Recordings of our Soul Family Gatherings:
💖Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/activationswithjj/
💖TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@activations_with_jj
💖Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/@activationswithjj
💖YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChcN1fnPSSaJnIyMmHp-w1g
💖Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/activations-with-jj/id1502768374
💖Spotify Podcasts: https://open.spotify.com/show/4dWEpsZmF2pxyKWMFpuY8S?si=q89VJa5SQmqkxYjwRuDipg
*Please be aware that I may earn commission from the links posted above and am an Amazon affiliate
The Importance of Community and Activating Remembrance | Activations With JJ Podcast
In this episode, I explore the themes of activating remembrance, reclaiming keys to access sacred template libraries, and the importance of community and quantum restoration for light workers!
Listen to the Pleiadian Energy Calibration For Plasmic Fluid: https://youtu.be/iJqWdJGWM9Y
Join Lightworker Expansion Lab (Starts Jan. 18): https://www.activationswithjj.com/lightworker-expansion-lab
Sign Up For The Lightworker Quantum Restoration Retreat | Joshua Tree | February 2025: https://www.activationswithjj.com/quantum-restoration-retreat
Join the Lyran Reconciliation Project: https://www.activationswithjj.com/offers/icgMgsZL
Start the On-Demand Orion Reconciliation Project: https://www.activationswithjj.com/offers/FyGLGLJm
Multidimensional Messages for Healing and Higher Consciousness
#lightlanguage #1111 #energyupdate #energyhealing #healer #lightworker #spiritualawakening #higherconsciousness #lightcodes #starseed
Make sure you are on JJ’s email list to receive latest updates and offerings! Sign up here: https://linktr.ee/activationswithjj
🌀Join The Starseed Gridwork Community: https://www.activationswithjj.com/starseed-gridwork-community
🌀Keep Up To Date With My Latest Offerings: https://activationswithjj.com/offerings
🌀Purchase my On-Demand Light Language Activation Course: https://www.activationswithjj.com/light-language-course
🌀Playback Recordings of our Soul Family Gatherings:
💖Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/activationswithjj/
💖TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@activations_with_jj
💖Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/@activationswithjj
💖YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChcN1fnPSSaJnIyMmHp-w1g
💖Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/activations-with-jj/id1502768374
💖Spotify Podcasts: https://open.spotify.com/show/4dWEpsZmF2pxyKWMFpuY8S?si=q89VJa5SQmqkxYjwRuDipg
*Please be aware that I may earn commission from the links posted above and am an Amazon affiliate
2025 Energy Update | A Guided Journey Through the Energies of 2025
Join the January Live Energy Update (Jan. 5): https://calendly.com/activationswithjj/energy-update
Sign up for the FREE Starseed Connection Circle (Jan 26.): https://calendly.com/activationswithjj/starseed-connection-circle
Join The Lightworker Expansion Lab! ⬇️
Dear Beautiful Souls,
This is an energy update like none other I have ever done before! I am not just "telling" you the themes...you get to experience them yourself through a guided psychic journey! 🌟 Make sure you listen at least twice (the second time while taking notes as you channel your own info).
Be sure to share in the comments what insights come forward for you!
Much love,
✨ Ascension Themes for 2025:
* Self-Sufficiency and Sovereignty: Cultivate trust, independence, and confidence in your own abilities.
* Community, Co-Creation, and Collaboration: Heal the wounds of separation and come together as a unified human family.
* Templates of Ascension: Reclaim templates of Divine Union, Divine Family, Reconciliation and Peace and anchor them on the planet.
✨ Ascension Tools for 2025:
* Creativity and Artistic Expression: Unlock your soul’s power through creative outlets like painting, dancing, and music, amplifying transformation in group settings.
* Light Language: Activate new codexes and templates of ascension through spoken, written, and hand movements, channeling frequencies and light codes.
✨ 2025 Mantra: Open, Reclaim, Restore
Multidimensional Messages for Healing and Higher Consciousness
#lightlanguage #1111 #energyupdate #energyhealing #healer #lightworker #spiritualawakening #higherconsciousness #lightcodes #starseed
Make sure you are on JJ’s email list to receive latest updates and offerings! Sign up here: https://linktr.ee/activationswithjj
🌀Join The Starseed Gridwork Community: https://www.activationswithjj.com/starseed-gridwork-community
🌀Keep Up To Date With My Latest Offerings: https://activationswithjj.com/offerings
🌀Purchase my On-Demand Light Language Activation Course: https://www.activationswithjj.com/light-language-course
🌀Playback Recordings of our Soul Family Gatherings:
💖Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/activationswithjj/
💖TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@activations_with_jj
💖Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/@activationswithjj
💖YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChcN1fnPSSaJnIyMmHp-w1g
💖Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/activations-with-jj/id1502768374
💖Spotify Podcasts: https://open.spotify.com/show/4dWEpsZmF2pxyKWMFpuY8S?si=q89VJa5SQmqkxYjwRuDipg
*Please be aware that I may earn commission from the links posted above and am an Amazon affiliate
Are Soul Walk-Outs a Key to Closing 2024?
As we approach the end of 2024, I'm feeling a strong sense of completion and transition. But what role do "soul walk-outs" play in this energetic shift?
Join me (and the Arcturians, Crystalline Children, and dragons😆) as I explore the significance of this phenomenon and how it is shaping the closing of this incredible year!
Highlights of this episode:
* The concept of "walk-ins" and "walk-outs" and how they accelerate the ascension journey
* Insights from my recent Orion lineage reconciliation project and the importance of templates
* Guidance from galactic guides like the Arcturians, crystalline children, and dragons, who are stepping forward to assist with this process
* Analogies to help understand the honoring and releasing of past aspects of self
* Practical tips for integrating light language and preparing for the incoming codes channeled during this time
Links Mentioned:
* Sign up for my Galactic Akashic Records group activation: https://calendly.com/activationswithjj/galactic-akashic-group
* Join the Starseed Community for exclusive content: https://www.activationswithjj.com/starseed-community
* Get the book “Walk-ins: The Cosmology of the Soul" by Sheila Seppi: https://amzn.to/3DyNjZy
* Santa Claus/Claustrom Analogy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9M0snom4AAhttps://activationswithjj.com
Multidimensional Messages for Healing and Higher Consciousness
#lightlanguage #1111 #energyupdate #energyhealing #healer #lightworker #spiritualawakening #higherconsciousness #lightcodes #starseed
Make sure you are on JJ’s email list to receive latest updates and offerings! Sign up here: https://linktr.ee/activationswithjj
💜Join The Starseed Community: https://www.activationswithjj.com/starseed-community
🌀Keep Up To Date With My Latest Offerings: https://activationswithjj.com/offerings
🌀Purchase my On-Demand Light Language Activation Course: https://www.activationswithjj.com/light-language-course
🌀Playback Recordings of our Soul Family Gatherings:
💖Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/activationswithjj/
💖TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@activations_with_jj
💖Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/@activationswithjj
💖YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChcN1fnPSSaJnIyMmHp-w1g
💖Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/activations-with-jj/id1502768374
💖Spotify Podcasts: https://open.spotify.com/show/4dWEpsZmF2pxyKWMFpuY8S?si=q89VJa5SQmqkxYjwRuDipg
*Please be aware that I may earn commission from some links posted and am an Amazon affiliate
This weeks episode is on the 12/12 portal and the things that have been coming through for me recently! I'm discussing the concept of 144,000 timelines, symbolizing cosmic harmony and a galactic-scale timeline collapse!
Listen to the 12/12 Portal Light Language Activation: https://youtu.be/ilJWHPphhsM
Join The Orion Lineage Reconciliation Project: https://www.activationswithjj.com/reconciliation
💜Join The Starseed Community: https://www.activationswithjj.com/starseed-community
Join The Galactic Akashic Records Group Activation (Dec. 29): https://calendly.com/activationswithjj/galactic-akashic-group
Sign Up For The FREE Solstice Starseed Connection Circle (Dec. 21): https://calendly.com/activationswithjj/starseed-connection-circle
Multidimensional Messages for Healing and Higher Consciousness
#lightlanguage #1111 #energyupdate #energyhealing #healer #lightworker #spiritualawakening #higherconsciousness #lightcodes #starseed
Make sure you are on JJ’s email list to receive latest updates and offerings! Sign up here: https://linktr.ee/activationswithjj
🌀Join The Starseed Gridwork Community: https://www.activationswithjj.com/starseed-gridwork-community
🌀Keep Up To Date With My Latest Offerings: https://activationswithjj.com/offerings
🌀Purchase my On-Demand Light Language Activation Course: https://www.activationswithjj.com/light-language-course
🌀Playback Recordings of our Soul Family Gatherings:
💖Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/activationswithjj/
💖TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@activations_with_jj
💖Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/@activationswithjj
💖YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChcN1fnPSSaJnIyMmHp-w1g
💖Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/activations-with-jj/id1502768374
💖Spotify Podcasts: https://open.spotify.com/show/4dWEpsZmF2pxyKWMFpuY8S?si=q89VJa5SQmqkxYjwRuDipg
*Please be aware that I may earn commission from the links posted above and am an Amazon affiliate
Weekly channeled messages, light language activations, transmissions, and energy updates to assist you in ascension, spiritual awakening, and the shift to higher consciousness!