Trusted Bible teacher, Warren Wiersbe preaches through the Bible with sermons from over 50 years of preaching. From the 1950's through the early 2000's, his ins...
As salt and light, we can minister to a decaying world that is full of darkness. We are called to influence the world without letting it tear us down.
For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit
Joseph: Our Man in Egypt (Psalm 105:16-23)
God is working in our lives today, just as He was working in Joseph’s life. He had a purpose for Joseph, a method and resources for him, and He had the timing of everything mapped out. No matter what hardship we are going through, we can be encouraged that God has a purpose and plan for everything in our lives. He will never fail us.
How To Write Your Own Success Story (Matthew 25:14-30)
We live in a success-driven society, but we don’t really know what true success is or how to get it. Pastor Wiersbe defines true success as making the greatest use of our God-given abilities and gifts. To explain what he means, he walks us through the parable of the talents to show how we can have success in our own lives.
For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit
A Mother's Day Sermon - What Prayer Is
In May of 1990, Warren Wiersbe returned to the Moody Church to preach the Mother's Day service in the morning. The text that morning was Matthew 20:17—20, on the request of the mother of James and John. Join Dr. Wiersbe as we discover what prayer actually is!
For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit
Psalm 1 - The Blessed Life
In May of 1990, Warren Wiersbe returned to the Moody Church to preach an evening service on the blessed life as described in Psalm 1. In this new year, may this message bless you in your following Jesus.
For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit
Trusted Bible teacher, Warren Wiersbe preaches through the Bible with sermons from over 50 years of preaching. From the 1950's through the early 2000's, his insights, wit, and simplicity have helped countless people grow in their love for Jesus. Warren Wiersbe's best-selling guides to every book of the Bible, called "The BE Series," continues to be quoted by pastors today. For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit
These messages were recorded when he pastored Calvary Baptist Church in Covington, KY or the Moody Church in Chicago, IL and are posted by ScripTex, Inc.