The American Campfire Revival with Kirk Cameron is sparking a personal and national revival in the hearts of Americans. With a refreshing focus on Faith, Histor...
The Love Dare: Day 16 - Pray for Your Spouse's Heart
Have you ever wondered why you can so clearly see your spouse's faults? In Day 16 of the Love Dare, Kirk reveals this insight isn't for nagging, but for kneeling. He urges listeners to pray for your spouse's heart in three specific areas where you desire God's work. This spiritual investment shifts focus from trying to change your spouse to allowing God's miraculous intervention. National revival begins with faithfulness in our closest relationships, where God alone holds the power to transform hearts.
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The Love Dare: Day 15 - Show Greater Honor to Your Spouse Above Your Normal Tendency
Can honor transform a struggling marriage? For Day 15 of the Love Dare, we learn how treating your spouse as a "fellow heir of the grace of life" creates an atmosphere where love can flourish again. Kirk illustrates the difference between honoring someone because they deserve it versus honoring them because of their sacred position in your life. Kirk challenges listeners to show greater honor to your spouse above your normal tendency by listening more attentively and giving greater weight to their words. This covenant commitment becomes part of the self-governance essential to restoring our nation.
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The Love Dare: Day 14 - Purposefully Neglect an Activity so You Can Spend Time With Your Spouse
What happens when your marriage becomes a battlefield instead of a sanctuary? In Day 14 of the Love Dare, we must learn to delight in our spouse regardless of changed appearances or difficult seasons. Kirk encourages listeners to purposefully neglect an activity so you can spend time with your spouse doing something they genuinely enjoy. This spiritual investment in your marriage serves as the foundation for family health and ultimately, national revival. True transformation begins when we lead our hearts rather than follow fickle emotions.
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The Love Dare: Day 13 - Talk With Your Spouse About Healthy Rules of Engagement of Fighting
What if every argument in your marriage could strengthen your relationship instead of tearing it down? In Day 13 of The Love Dare, Kirk examines Jesus' warning that a house divided cannot stand and shares practical boundaries for handling conflict without harming your relationship—like never mentioning divorce and refusing to bring up unrelated past issues. He challenges couples to talk with your spouse about healthy rules of engagement for fighting and to commit to personal resolutions like listening first and speaking gently. Changing your weapons from bridge-burners to bridge-builders can strengthen your marriage and reflect God’s design for unity.
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Those Who Ignore History's Problems Are Doomed to Repeat Them
What does it truly mean to be a patriot in today's America? Kirk shares a powerful text from historian Dr. Marshall Foster that illuminates how both Scripture and history serve as essential guides for national restoration. As those who ignore history's problems are doomed to repeat them, understanding our covenant-based heritage becomes crucial for preserving freedom. Genuine patriotism isn't just about flags and fireworks—it's about keeping our sacred covenant with God as a nation. This message challenges us to be covenant keepers who will help spark revival in America.
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Acerca de The American Campfire Revival with Kirk Cameron
The American Campfire Revival with Kirk Cameron is sparking a personal and national revival in the hearts of Americans. With a refreshing focus on Faith, History, Patriotism and the Bible, Kirk discusses everything from current cultural events, heroes of faith, and the Biblically-based, historically-proven strategy to bring life and liberty to individuals, families, and nations.
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