Near Death Experiences - NDE's. Find answers to mankind's biggest question, "What Happens After We Die?" Round Trip Death podcast features discussions with peop...
Chelsea Elizabeth grew up with dogs in the family and is a lover of Great Danes, and rescue dogs. In August 2023, something snapped in her recent rescue dog and it brutally attacked her, leading to her near death experience (NDE). She saw and felt a bright light. She felt as if she were floating. She experienced white noise and peace with no pain or fear. While riding in the ambulance, Chelsea awoke to find a woman holding her hand. This was in addition to the EMS riding with her. It was later verified to her that there was no woman in the ambulance, at least not that anyone else could see. She received comfort from the woman and from flashbacks of her life as a small child. This NDE changed Chelsea's whole perspective on life. Now, family is the most important thing in the world to her. She has learned that death is not scary, it's beautiful and peaceful. ______________________Video versions of this podcast: to this podcast:
Kimberly Meets Jesus In Her NDE
In this conversation, Kimberly Kennedy shares her profound near death experience (NDE) following a serious heart condition that went undiagnosed for years. She recounts the day of her medical emergency, the feelings of fear and regret she experienced during her NDE, and the transformative encounter with the Savior that filled her with love and hope. She remembers the feeling of exhilaration she felt as her spirit left her body, and the joy of meeting her sister and great grandmother. Kimberly reflects on the lessons learned from her experience, including the importance of forgiveness, the value of life, and the hope that comes from gratitude and connection with others. Her story is one of resilience, personal growth, and the enduring power of hope. ______________________Video versions of this podcast: to this podcast:
Deb Was Part of The Galaxy and God Was There - During NDE
Deb Carr was undergoing surgery under general anesthesia when something went terribly wrong. The next thing she knew she was in the galaxy, in fact she was a part of the galaxy, and God was there. There was no tunnel, no light, just the universe. Deb has not only had a fantastic near death experience (NDE), but she has also had shared death experiences (SDE) when her parents died. AND she has had some experiences that some might put into the "Woo Woo" category. But you won't want to miss them! In this episode, we also learn about the questions Deb asked God, and what it was like returning to her body. ______________________Video versions of this podcast: to this podcast:
Deanna's Horrific E-Scooter Accident and 3 Minute NDE
This NDE Shared Publicly For The First Time -Deanna and Jeff Rae were out for a short E-scooter ride to the local convenience store when she suffered a terrible accident. She was thrown over the handlebars and landed head first with the sound of a watermelon thunk on the pavement. She had no pulse and was not breathing for 3-5 minutes. Her near death experience (NDE) began with ambient light and feeling happy, calm, peaceful, and thrilled to be there. She saw her two grandmothers, her father, grandfathers, and many others who had passed on. Deanna's grandmothers looked young and incredibly beautiful. One of them reached out her hand to welcome her. But, her NDE was interrupted with her husband saying, "Baby don't go. Please don't leave me!" Deanna had a significant TBI and only a 10% chance of surviving the first night in the hospital. Her recovery has been a long, hard road, but she and Jeff are just happy to still be together. During the NDE, Deanna learned her purpose, and she has no more fear of death.______________________Video versions of this podcast: to this podcast:
Janine's NDE - Sees Herself Kneeling Before Jesus
Janine Moon's near death experience (NDE) was the result of a sever case of Addison's Disease. She had been bedridden for months and finally became so dehydrated and weak that she slipped away. During Janine's NDE she had the unusual and amazing experience of seeing herself kneeling before Jesus. There was no tunnel, no light, but instead a large room with marble floors and marble columns. She saw scenes of her life, both in the past and the future. She saw her daughter a few years in the future dressed in a beautiful wedding gown. At that point she found herself begging and pleading to go back so that she could be with her children. In this episode, we discuss Janine's NDE (near death experience), and the principles of faith, repentance, and forgiveness. We can all learn something from Janine's 74 years on this planet. ______________________Video versions of this podcast: to this podcast:
Near Death Experiences - NDE's. Find answers to mankind's biggest question, "What Happens After We Die?" Round Trip Death podcast features discussions with people who have actually died, visited the other side, and returned to talk about it. What did they see? What did they experience and learn? How can these insights affect your life moving forward? NDE - Near Death Experiences.