Welcome to Constant Wonder KIDS, the podcast that turns everyday moments into extraordinary adventures! Designed for curious kids (and the grown-ups who love th...
Lyanda Lynn Haupt’s mission is to help people connect with the natural world, but that doesn’t mean she’s always comfortable outdoors. Sometimes experiencing wonder means learning to be brave, like camping all on our own or meeting wild animals when we least expect it. Join us to talk about stepping out of our comfort zones to feel awe!
Guest: Lyanda Lynn Haupt, naturalist and author of “Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit”
Discover the World of Nematodes
Nematodes are microscopic worms that can be found all over the planet. Though they may be tiny, their impact is anything but small. Join scientists Byron Adams and Adler Dillman as they introduce us to the wonder of nematodes!
Byron Adams, biology professor at Brigham Young University
Adler Dillman, nematology professor at UC Riverside
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Healing Turtles, Healing the World
Turtles face lots of obstacles in the wild world, so it’s a lucky thing they’re born tough! Turtle-lovers Matt Patterson and Sy Montgomery have witnessed turtles come back from extraordinary injuries as they’ve worked with the Turtle Rescue Center in Southbridge, Massachusetts. These turtles prove that even broken things can be made right again.
Guests: Sy Montgomery, author, and Matt Patterson, illustrator, of “Of Time and Turtles: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell”
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Do Plants Think?
We all know plants are living things just like us, but do we have even more in common? Join us as we talk with science-writer Zoë Schlanger about how plants seem to communicate, hear, see, and yes, even think!
Guest: Zoë Schlanger, science writer for The Atlantic and author of The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth
Going Undercover to Save Sloth Bears
Kartick Satyanarayan has always loved animals and worked hard to protect wildlife. When he learns about sloth bears who are forced to “dance” in dangerous conditions, he decides to go undercover to save sloth bears and help humans along the way.
Guest: Kartick Satyanarayan, Co-Founder and CEO of Wildlife SOS
Welcome to Constant Wonder KIDS, the podcast that turns everyday moments into extraordinary adventures! Designed for curious kids (and the grown-ups who love them), our show takes you on thrilling journeys through the wonders of the natural world. Discover fascinating facts and true stories about amazing people doing incredible things in nature.
Join us as we explore the playful side of octopuses who enjoy toys like Lego bricks. Dive into the ocean with whale sharks and meet one who has an unexpectedly friendly personality. Or cheer for tiny athletes at the International Hedgehog Olympic Games.
Each episode of Constant Wonder KIDS is a bite-sized story taken from our parent podcast, Constant Wonder. Perfect for road trips, bedtime listening, or when your brain’s got an itch that needs to be scratched.
Hosted by Paige Krumperman Darrington, Constant Wonder KIDS is a BYUradio podcast.