A podcast dedicated to the intelligence of dogs and how to determine their unique learning styles and strengths by utilizing Barbara Lloyd’s Cognitive Challenge...
Canine Cognitive Challenges Results Applications in Training
An in depth discussion by Barbara Lloyd & Becca Hoffman on what the Cognitive Challenges results mean and how to apply that knowledge to train your dog easier
Clouseau Overcoming Insatiability
Beagle Clouseau learns to overcome insatiability through Cognitive Challenges, see the video here: www.canine ognitivechallenges.com
Cognitive Challenges for Puppies
A great overview of Barbara Lloyd’s Cognitive Challenges Webinar for assessing puppies www.caninecognitivechallenges.com
A Deep Dive into Barbara Lloyd’s Cognitive Challenges for Dogs
An in depth look at the applications and methodology behind Barbara Lloyd’s Cognitive Challenges and their relevance to dog training and behavior
A podcast dedicated to the intelligence of dogs and how to determine their unique learning styles and strengths by utilizing Barbara Lloyd’s Cognitive Challenges for dogs
Escucha Your Dog Is Brighter Than You Think, Consejos para padres por Andrea Álvarez y muchos más podcasts de todo el mundo con la aplicación de radio.net