An unknown speaker with an unknown mission has left behind tapes to explain the process. The tapes contain chilling stories from all over the world. Strung toge...
The last tape, detailing an encounter with Umibōzu, and the speaker's final goal.Date recorded:Sometime around November 14th, 2024.Caution:loud sounds warningmentions of deathbass warningsudden bleepmegalophobiabeing watchedocean waves sound effectsagoraphobiaNote: This tape has been edited by The Silent Directive under advisement of Department F Section 2.
Tape #7: The Jenolan Caves
The seventh tape, describing _______'s trip to the Jenolan Caves in Australia.Date recorded:Sometime around November 3rd, 2024.Caution:loud sounds warningmentions of bonesbass warninggore warningthalassophobiaglitchesdescriptions of death24;12;14;25;18;13;18;13;20;0;4;12;9;15;23;4;18;23;22;0;25;22;15;18;22;21;8;;23;9;26;4;18;13;20;0;11;12;4;22;9;0;21;9;12;14;0;22;5;22;9;2;0;24;6;15;7;6;9;22;;25;6;7;0;7;12;0;4;19;26;7;0;22;13;23
Tape #6: The Bone Church
The sixth tape, detailing the farewell of the haunt from Paris.Date recorded:Sometime around October 31st, 2024.Caution:loud sounds warningmentions of bonesbass warningmentions of America's stupiditystatic warningdeathlossNo secret messages this time. Goodbye, my first friend. I wish it was all different. Hopefully, we can meet again, and maybe I can meet you for real.Keep an eye out for my supplementary tapes. I buried them deep within the recordings, there's no telling when they'll turn up.
Tape #5: The Vampires of Munich
The fifth tape, started by an unknown host, then expanded on by the speaker. Subject? Vampires. Date recorded:Sometime around October 20th, 2024.Caution:loud sounds warningstatic warningflesh tearing warningdeathgross sound effectsbody horror warningI don't knownow, what to do I even start tounderstandmy positionand my options Inow have?
Tape #4: The Grossmünster Relics
The fourth tape, telling the story of the patron saints of Zürich, and a theft of what remains. Date recorded:Sometime around October 8th, 2024.Caution:loud sounds warningstatic warningcrow sounds warningbass warningmentions of beheadingglass shattering?
An unknown speaker with an unknown mission has left behind tapes to explain the process. The tapes contain chilling stories from all over the world. Strung together in a seemingly coherent order, they begin to spin a tale of deception, power, and history. Only...the mystery goes much deeper than it seems. There are others listening. There are others searching, others learning. You must solve the mysteries trapped within the episodes before it's too late.