Welcome to the Millennial Mom’s podcast! We are so happy you are here! We’re a group of friends learning a lot about community, motherhood, marriage, and how to...
Struggling to both soak up the summer & all it has to offer while also pulling your hair out & struggling without rhythms and routines in place? Yeah, us too. We talk through what summer has looked like so far, what has worked (& not worked) for us, and also have a little fun with a question wheel.
Episode 26: Catch Up Turned Group Therapy
WE'RE BACK! We clearly missed each other & MISSED Y'ALL! We catch you up on what the last month off has looked like & end up going down a deep dive of the beauty & pain of counseling.
Episode 25: Cassidy's Birth Story
The one where the one who pushed to do this series for months finally gets her turn! Spoiler alert: come find out who had the easiest pregnancy out of us three. Just because pregnancy was a breeze doesn't mean there weren't some big struggles when it came to Cassidy's birth experience and postpartum journey.
Episode 24: Birth Stories with Emily Porter
Fun fact: Emily was supposed to be the 4th Millennial Mom when this was just an idea, but was struggling through a hard pregnancy & was about to welcome her first child so instead she became our biggest cheerleader! Emily walks us through how hard pregnancy was for her but also how beautiful "newborn" life has been since delivering her daughter.
Episode 23: Victoria's Birth Story
Does anybody else completely block out the "bad" or "hard" things? Victoria dives back into her pregnancy journey from normal sickness in the first trimester, to the shingles and then to the grand finale of preeclampsia which also lead to a birth experience she wouldn't have chosen. It's a good thing that those hard things brought the sweetest gift that would have her do it all over again in a heartbeat.
Welcome to the Millennial Mom’s podcast! We are so happy you are here! We’re a group of friends learning a lot about community, motherhood, marriage, and how to follow Jesus in today’s world. We’re here to chat about all of that, a little true crime and everything in between!
Don’t be fooled, we are not professionals in any of these areas… and according to our husbands we aren’t trained investigators either.
Join us each week as we dig deep into real life for encouragement, honesty, and a little humor to keep us all sane.