One of the most important challenges societies face today is how to make sense of digital media. We are deeply uncertain about their impact: mechanisms, conditi...
Artificial intelligence and democracy: Equality, elections, and autocratic competition (once more)
In which we discuss three further areas where artificial intelligence begins to touch on democracy: equality, elections, and the systemic competition between democracy and autocracy.
Artificial intelligence and self-rule (once more)
At the individual level, AI impacts the conditions of democratic self-rule and people’s opportunities to exercise it.
Conditions for the successful application of artificial intelligence (once more)
The successful application of artificial intelligence depends on a set of preconditions.
Artificial intelligence and democracy (once more)
The success and widespread deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) have raised awareness of the technology’s economic, social, and political consequences. The most recent step in AI development -- the application of large language models (LLMs) and other transformer models to the generation of text, image, video, or audio content -- has come to dominate the public imaginary of AI and has accelerated this discussion. But to assess AI’s societal impact meaningfully, we need to look closely at the workings of the underlying technology and identify the areas of contact within democracy.
Algorithms: Fears & What can we do to improve algorithms use in society?
In this episode, we focus on remaining fears and challenges associated with algorithms: bubbles and loops, the alignment problem, and opaqueness. We close the discussion of algorithms by an account what can be done to improve their uses in society.
One of the most important challenges societies face today is how to make sense of digital media. We are deeply uncertain about their impact: mechanisms, conditions, and opportunities of and for their uses remain unclear. The goal the podcast is to help you to make sense of digital media, the changes it brings, and the challenges it presents. This podcast accompanies the lecture series Digital Media in Politics & Society of the Chair for the Governance of Complex and Innovative Technological Systems at the University of Bamberg.