The Final Marvel LOGAN’S RUN Comic: Bizarre Adventures 28 – MCC127
Ben returns to the world of LOGAN’S RUN with a comic story that is TOTALLY NOT Logan’s Run, but TOTALLY IS Logan’s Run. What do you do when you have a Logan’s Run comic book issue, but don’t have the Logan’s Run license? You strip it of every specific detail …
HUMAN FLY #0??? – MCC126
“Wait. What?” ~ Ben’s exact words when he was looking at comic book soliciations for last month. But The Human Fly is back! It’s a new series! A new continuity! A new creative team! A new publisher! A new millennium! But the same concept: he’s the wildest superhero every . …
JOHN CARTER’S FINAL ISSUES (John Carter, Warlord of Mars 28, Annual 3, & more) – MCC125
Using Star Wars as a guideline, we’re exploring comic books based on licensed properties that Marvel Comics published from 1977 to 1986. It’s the end of an era. Ben reads the final two issues of John Carter, Warlord of Mars from Marvel Comics, wrapping up another of Marvel’s Cosmic Comic Series. …
“Master Assassin of Mars” Parts 10-12 (John Carter, Warlord of Mars 25, 26, & 27) – MCC124
Using Star Wars as a guideline, we’re exploring comic books based on licensed properties that Marvel Comics published from 1977 to 1986. For this episode, Ben reads the FINAL three chapters in the 12-issue epic “Master Assassin of Mars” from JOHN CARTER issues 25-27, cover dated July 1979, August 1979, and …
“Master Assassin of Mars” Parts 7-9 (John Carter, Warlord of Mars 22, 23, & 24) – MCC123/CBTM183
Using Star Wars as a guideline, we’re exploring comic books based on licensed properties that Marvel Comics published from 1977 to 1986. For this episode, Ben reads the next three chapters in the 12 issue epic “Master Assassin of Mars” from JOHN CARTER issues 22-24, December 1978, January 1979, and February …
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