This podcast mirrors my blog, and expresses the urgent call of the land as I and a host of other listeners hear it.
I've been writing about...
The fate of the people is linked to the fate of the land
In honor of Earth Day 2021 I have recorded a brief blog post that I wrote on Earth Day 2012 concerning the observations of noted essayist, poet, and farmer Wendell Berry.
A Broken Twig and Our Broken World
I’m telling this story about a broken twig now because the UN has released another kick-in-gut report about the wholesale extinction taking place with our life-support system here on Mother Earth.
This episode is also available as a blog post:
#twig #UN #agroecology #DeepAgroecology #MotherEarth #StevenMcFadden
Extreme factors set the stage for global farm and food summit - October 2021
The United Nations global Food Systems Summit set for October 2021 will ultimately have a profound influence on our farms, our food, and the overall well being of our planet.
As it stands now, multinational corporations are in the driver's seat. The farmers, food workers, and consumers of the world--civil society--are out of the circuit of true power. They fear corporate domination and greenwashing in a time when extreme global circumstances call for true, healthy, and just agroecology. Consequently, civil society organizations are boycotting the summit, and pursuing their own vision for farms and food--the vision of agroecology.
This podcast is available in written form on my blog. Follow this link:
Sleepwalking into Catastrophe, or Awakening via Agroecology
While climate disasters continue to intensify, the UN’s Committee on World Food Security (CFS) released a notable report, Agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition. The report is worthy of wide attention, and actions.
This episode is also available as a blog post:
- Steven McFadden
Encourage Courage: The Perils and Promises of Pollen
In our time of coronavirus, as we all contend with the pandemic swirling through our lives and the onset of allergy season, that many people could benefit from learning about the healing qualities of flowers in general, and engaging the essence of one flower in particular: borage. Encourage courage.
This episode is also available as a blog post:
Acerca de Deep Agroecology: Farms, Food, and Our Future
This podcast mirrors my blog, and expresses the urgent call of the land as I and a host of other listeners hear it.
I've been writing about the land, our farms, and our food since 1975. I’ve authored hundreds of articles, and 15 nonfiction books exploring themes related to the foundation of our lives.
My Deep Agroecology podcast and blog explore positive creative responses to the call that we might have an abundance of clean food and heal the profoundly distressed environment in which we and our children dwell.