Coming Up For Air is a weekly podcast where I talk everything Heartbreak to Half Marathons. I found my love for running in 2020 during lockdown. I created a Ins...
In this episode I explain how I would deal with getting stuck in a cycle of your ex coming in and out your life. It is such a hard cycle to break but hopefully this will strengthen your mindset and empower you to finally say enough is enough.Watch this episode on YouTube - My New Instagram - Us on Patreon -
94. Breaking Free From Your Heartbreak.
In this episode I talk about breaking free from your heartbreak. I have spoken about the chemicals in your brain and how they effect how you are feeling, however I put it into a process and give you a simple solution when getting caught in a 'thought loop about your ex.' My New Instagram - Us on Patreon - Spotify - -
My First Video Episode. How To Feel Less Lonely When You Are Alone.
My New Instagram - Us on Patreon - YouTube - @comingupforair-podcast WELCOME TO MY FIRST VIDEO EPISODE. I can not tell you how excited I am but how much this has tested my patience. You have to love being self taught right?! I didn't want this to be too much of a intro ep for YouTube so I have also discussed the difference between being lonely and being alone and how I combatted that. Please head over to YouTube to like and subscribe, it would mean the WORLD.
Why You Shouldn't Have To Explain Why You Have Stayed Single Following A Breakup.
My New Instagram - Join Us on Patreon - In this episode I talk about the frustrations of becoming single (sometimes not by choice) and then everyone asking why you haven't found someone new. I hopefully put your mind at ease about 'settling' just because of someone else's time line. I also talk about being released from your past relationship & switching your mindset from it being a loss.
Lessons I Have Learnt Following My Breakup. Part 2.
Join me for additional content on Patreon: did an episode like this quick soon after I started my breakup. 3 years following my breakup - I have continued to grow and learn & these are the new lessons I have learnt. Along with a nice debrief, a nice chatty episode. Let me know if you enjoyed it.
Coming Up For Air is a weekly podcast where I talk everything Heartbreak to Half Marathons. I found my love for running in 2020 during lockdown. I created a Instagram page in 2021 to inspire people to give running a go because I fell in love with the sport. What I didn't realise is that in 2022 it would quite literally save my life when my fiancé of 14 years left me the year we were supposed to get married. I will talk through how I healed & rebuilt my life, how I started running & how I have remained consistent and how, during the biggest break up of my life, I completed the London Marathon & have gone on to run a further 2 more. See lessListen on SpotifyMessage