Greg Morse | When it comes to getting married, Martin Luther does not mince words: “Stop thinking about it and go to it right merrily.” Young men, God helping you, find a wife.
Awe with Audacity: The Spirit of Christian Prayer
David Mathis | Our God is a great King, whom we approach with awe. And he is our Father, whom we run to with confidence. How does Christian prayer balance this paradox?
Prayer Dies Without Delight
Marshall Segal | God is looking for people who pray to him in need and in plenty, in the wilderness and in paradise, in desperate dependence and in adoring delight.
Never Too Busy to Pray
Scott Hubbard | In a world of urgent needs, urgent demands, and urgent responsibilities, one priority is more urgent than them all: prayer.
Outpray God’s Goodness
Greg Morse | Our God is not just a hearing God, nor even an answering God, but a God able to do infinitely above the tallest ask. This year, pray to this God.
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