One of our favorite things to do is go to shows - events where we get to meet other makers, show off our machines, and spend time with the maker community we love so dearly. We just got back from an amazing weekend up in the Catskills Mountains at Maker Camp and WOW, what an adventure!
In this episode, Stone and Morgan recap the whole Maker Camp experience, and share their perspective on why they think it's so dang cool. We did a big 3D topography carve at the tent, and spent the rest of the time nurturing relationships and forging new ones.
If you haven't been to an event with other makers, we highly recommend getting out to one. If not Maker Camp, there's bound to be an event near you. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy our tale of the odyssey that was Maker Camp 2024!
Learn more about Maker camp here...
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