Join us on an exciting journey through the illustrious career of this comedy icon as we explore his groundbreaking roles, behind-the-scenes stories, and timeles...
Directed by William Friedkin and written by Paul Brickman, Deal of the Century (1983) is another disappointing entry in Chevy Chase's filmography. He's playing slick arms dealer Eddie Muntz who lucks his way into the titular "deal of the century" where he's partnered with Catherine DeVoto (Sigourney Weaver). His other partner, Ray Kasternak (Gregory Hines), is a loose canon who has an ill-timed spiritual awakening.
Episode 7: National Lampoon's Vacation (1983)
In this episode of The Chasing Chevy Chase podcast, we take a deep dive into National Lampoon's Vacation, the iconic 1983 road trip comedy.Mark Begley (Wake Up Heavy), Chris Stachiw (The Kulturecast), and Mike White (The Projection Booth) explore Chevy Chase's performance as the well-meaning but hapless Clark Griswold, determined to take his family on the ultimate cross-country adventure to Wally World. We discuss the film's impact on pop culture, its memorable comedic moments, its original ending, and why Vacation remains a timeless favorite in the world of comedy.
Episode 6: Modern Problems (1981)
You think you've got problems? Well, Chevy Chase has MODERN PROBLEMS in this 1981 film from Chevy's old friend Tom Shapiro. As air traffic controller Max Fiedler, Chevy loses his girlfriend (Patti D'Arbanville) while being berated by a self-help guru (Dabney Coleman) in a movie that can't decide if it's science fiction or spiritual horror. Join Mark Begley (Wake Up Heavy), Chris Stachiw (The Kulturecast), and Mike White (The Projection Booth) as they continue to deep dive into the filmography of Chevy Chase.
Episode 5: Dirty Work (1998)
We're taking a little break from the chronological Chevy Chase filmography to explore a later film where he makes a memorable appearance, Bob Saget's Dirty Work (1998). The film is a Norm MacDonald vehicle wherein he and his pal (Artie Lang) open a business to pull pranks. It's a thin concept and the results are uneven at best.
Episode 4: Under the Rainbow (1981)
Surprisingly, not the nadir of Chevy Chase's career but it might be close! Steve Rash's Under the Rainbow, a fictionalized recounting of the little people actors from The Wizard of Oz taking over a hotel across from the MGM soundstages. Against this event is story of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand's son being hunted by the son of Gavrilo Princip (Robert Donner). Fortunately, the Duke is protected by Bruce Thorpe (Chevy Chase), his intrepid guard.
Join us on an exciting journey through the illustrious career of this comedy icon as we explore his groundbreaking roles, behind-the-scenes stories, and timeless contributions to the world of entertainment. Mark Begley (Wake Up Heavy), Chris Stachiw (The Kulturecast), and Mike White (The Projection Booth) bring you a monthly look at the heyday of Chase's career from his earliest feature roles to just before he became more of a walk-on actor.