Trying to help girls that struggle with anxiety and insecurities, like I do! And just be a friendly spiritual guide through all that is girlies go through!
From the book, You’re God’s Girl! God made you the way you are! He loves you with every ounce of his being!
You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made!
From The series, You Matter. God loves you and made you just the way you are! 😍
He Helps You Understand
Hey guys! So this is just about reassurance that the Bible is for everyone! So don’t give up!
New Series!!!
So I’m going to start 4 series! 1.) what the Bible says about Managing Stress. 2.) what the Bible says about dealing with Difficult People. 3.) 3-Minute Daily Devotions..... I did not right these segments!! I am currently reading them from amazing books!! And the 4th is one about what’s happening in my own life! It is longer than what my future podcasts will be cause I am doing the first segment of the first three. I haven’t yet done the my life portion but that will be next!
Jumping around
To make up with not having new episodes for a few months. That Christian Girl is jumping around a few topics. Tune in to find out! God Bless
Trying to help girls that struggle with anxiety and insecurities, like I do! And just be a friendly spiritual guide through all that is girlies go through!