Dark Venture was an American psychological thriller, anthology format radio series aired during 1945-1947. The series ran for 52 episodes, but only fifteen full...
Hope you enjoy this episode of Dark Venture! Find all our OTR radio stations and podcasts at theaterofthemind-otr.com - Audio Credit: The Old Time Radio Researchers Group. Podcasts @ Apple | Spreaker | YouTube | Spotify | iHeartDark Venture was an American psychological thriller, anthology format radio series aired during 1946 and 1947. The series ran for 52 episodes, but only seventeen episodes have been recovered so far. The introduction to Dark Venture started with this narration, read by John Lake: “Over the minds of mortal men come many shadows… shadows of greed and hate, jealousy and fear. Darkness is absence of light… so in the sudden shadows which fog the minds of men and are to be found in the strange impulses which urge them on to their venture…in the dark". The stories on Dark Venture gave the listener the killer's point of view. Each episode was an adventure of a twisted reality where people were constantly plotting ways to kill someone. They played twisted mind games with their victims before killing them by strangulation, knifing or shooting.
Elizabeth is Frightened - Dark Venture | 07/22/1947
Hope you enjoy this episode of Dark Venture! Find all our OTR radio stations and podcasts at theaterofthemind-otr.com - Audio Credit: The Old Time Radio Researchers Group. Podcasts @ Apple | Spreaker | YouTube | Spotify | iHeartDark Venture was an American psychological thriller, anthology format radio series aired during 1946 and 1947. The series ran for 52 episodes, but only seventeen episodes have been recovered so far. The introduction to Dark Venture started with this narration, read by John Lake: “Over the minds of mortal men come many shadows… shadows of greed and hate, jealousy and fear. Darkness is absence of light… so in the sudden shadows which fog the minds of men and are to be found in the strange impulses which urge them on to their venture…in the dark". The stories on Dark Venture gave the listener the killer's point of view. Each episode was an adventure of a twisted reality where people were constantly plotting ways to kill someone. They played twisted mind games with their victims before killing them by strangulation, knifing or shooting.
The Cover-Up | Dark Venture | 02/24/1947
Hope you enjoy this episode of Dark Venture! Find all our OTR radio stations and podcasts at theaterofthemind-otr.com - Audio Credit: The Old Time Radio Researchers Group. Podcasts @ Apple | Spreaker | YouTube | Spotify | iHeartDark Venture was an American psychological thriller, anthology format radio series aired during 1946 and 1947. The series ran for 52 episodes, but only seventeen episodes have been recovered so far. The introduction to Dark Venture started with this narration, read by John Lake: “Over the minds of mortal men come many shadows… shadows of greed and hate, jealousy and fear. Darkness is absence of light… so in the sudden shadows which fog the minds of men and are to be found in the strange impulses which urge them on to their venture…in the dark". The stories on Dark Venture gave the listener the killer's point of view. Each episode was an adventure of a twisted reality where people were constantly plotting ways to kill someone. They played twisted mind games with their victims before killing them by strangulation, knifing or shooting.
The Expert - Dark Venture | 01/14/1947
Hope you enjoy this episode of Dark Venture! Find all our OTR radio stations and podcasts at theaterofthemind-otr.com - Audio Credit: The Old Time Radio Researchers Group. Podcasts @ Apple | Spreaker | YouTube | Spotify | iHeartDark Venture was an American psychological thriller, anthology format radio series aired during 1946 and 1947. The series ran for 52 episodes, but only seventeen episodes have been recovered so far. The introduction to Dark Venture started with this narration, read by John Lake: “Over the minds of mortal men come many shadows… shadows of greed and hate, jealousy and fear. Darkness is absence of light… so in the sudden shadows which fog the minds of men and are to be found in the strange impulses which urge them on to their venture…in the dark". The stories on Dark Venture gave the listener the killer's point of view. Each episode was an adventure of a twisted reality where people were constantly plotting ways to kill someone. They played twisted mind games with their victims before killing them by strangulation, knifing or shooting.
Ten Dollar Bill - Dark Venture | 08/14/1945
Hope you enjoy this episode of Dark Venture! Find all our OTR radio stations and podcasts at theaterofthemind-otr.com - Audio Credit: The Old Time Radio Researchers Group. Podcasts @ Apple | Spreaker | YouTube | Spotify | iHeartDark Venture was an American psychological thriller, anthology format radio series aired during 1946 and 1947. The series ran for 52 episodes, but only seventeen episodes have been recovered so far. The introduction to Dark Venture started with this narration, read by John Lake: “Over the minds of mortal men come many shadows… shadows of greed and hate, jealousy and fear. Darkness is absence of light… so in the sudden shadows which fog the minds of men and are to be found in the strange impulses which urge them on to their venture…in the dark". The stories on Dark Venture gave the listener the killer's point of view. Each episode was an adventure of a twisted reality where people were constantly plotting ways to kill someone. They played twisted mind games with their victims before killing them by strangulation, knifing or shooting.
Dark Venture was an American psychological thriller, anthology format radio series aired during 1945-1947. The series ran for 52 episodes, but only fifteen full episodes have been recovered so far.The introduction to Dark Venture started with this narration, read by John Lake: “Over the minds of mortal men come many shadows… shadows of greed and hate, jealousy and fear. Darkness is absence of light… so in the sudden shadows which fog the minds of men and are to be found in the strange impulses which urge them on to their venture…in the dark".The stories on Dark Venture gave the listener the killer's point of view. Each episode was an adventure of a twisted reality where people were constantly plotting ways to kill someone. They played twisted mind games with their victims before killing them by strangulation, knifing or shooting.Contains all 15 episodes.