Calvinism, Unconditional Election & Free Will – Romans 9
Romans 9 is often used as an example for predestination and Calvinism. But does Paul actually teach predestination? Or did Calvin miss something significant in this passage? David Bercot explores the challenges of free will versus predestination, and shows a framework for what Paul was communicating in Romans 9.David Bercot’s Romans commentary:David’s previous episode on Romans:This is the 258th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. Sign-up for our monthly email newsletter which contains new and featured content!Join us on Patreon or become a website partner to enjoy bonus content!Visit our YouTube channel or connect on Facebook.Read essays from our blog or listen to them on our podcast, Essays for King JesusSubscribe on your podcast provider of choiceSupport us or learn more at views expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Anabaptist Perspectives or Wellspring Mennonite Church.
I Was Born an Ethnic Christian in Iraq. Then I Found Christ
Saher Haddad was a nominal Christian in Baghdad. He fled Iraq as a refugee and settled in the Netherlands, where he lost his faith. Over time, Saher came back to Christ, and in this episode tells the story of his faith journey. Saher lives in the Netherlands with his family.Episode on the church in the Middle East: This is the 257th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. Sign-up for our monthly email newsletter which contains new and featured content!Join us on Patreon or become a website partner to enjoy bonus content!Visit our YouTube channel or connect on Facebook.Read essays from our blog or listen to them on our podcast, Essays for King JesusSubscribe on your podcast provider of choiceSupport us or learn more at views expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Anabaptist Perspectives or Wellspring Mennonite Church.
Why We’ve Misunderstood the Book of Romans Since 430 A.D.
Romans is often considered one of the hardest and confusing books of the New Testament. What is Paul telling us through this complex book? David Bercot breaks down what the early church believed about the book of Romans before the time of Augustine, and why it matters to our understanding of Romans today.David Bercot’s Romans commentary: I Was An Anglican Priest. Here’s Why I Left: This is the 256th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. Sign-up for our monthly email newsletter which contains new and featured content!Join us on Patreon or become a website partner to enjoy bonus content!Visit our YouTube channel or connect on Facebook.Read essays from our blog or listen to them on our podcast, Essays for King JesusSubscribe on your podcast provider of choiceSupport us or learn more at views expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Anabaptist Perspectives or Wellspring Mennonite Church.
Is Your Communication Worthy of Your Message?
Communication is something we do every day. But why does communication matter, and why should we try to do it well? Rick Rhodes describes how this should inform our churches and the way we present the message God has given us, while also giving many practical tips for learning to communicate better.Rick Rhodes’ communication conference:This is the 255th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. Sign-up for our monthly email newsletter which contains new and featured content!Join us on Patreon or become a website partner to enjoy bonus content!Visit our YouTube channel or connect on Facebook.Read essays from our blog or listen to them on our podcast, Essays for King JesusSubscribe on your podcast provider of choiceSupport us or learn more at views expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Anabaptist Perspectives or Wellspring Mennonite Church.
Why I Crossed the English Channel to Find a Church
In this episode Matthijs Blom shares his journey of searching for a fellowship of likeminded believers. And sheds light on the state of the Anabaptist church in Europe.Episode with sister Judy: This is the 254th episode of Anabaptist Perspectives, a podcast, blog, and YouTube channel that examines various aspects of conservative Anabaptist life and thought. Sign-up for our monthly email newsletter which contains new and featured content!Join us on Patreon or become a website partner to enjoy bonus content!Visit our YouTube channel or connect on Facebook.Read essays from our blog or listen to them on our podcast, Essays for King JesusSubscribe on your podcast provider of choiceSupport us or learn more at views expressed by our guests are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Anabaptist Perspectives or Wellspring Mennonite Church.