I asked you guys on IG (@schoolofplot) what makes you abandon a novel. Here are the top responses as well as some fixes to avoid these features in your own writing. (Although a few of them were pretty subjective). Here are the free downloads / plot template I talked about:
How to Write a Bestselling Blurb
What’s the formula all great blurbs have? How can you make your book sound exciting? Which POV should you write in? Jessie from Book Blurb Magic gives us a 1 hour master class answering your blurb FAQs and workshopping a real example. If you couldn’t take notes, here’s a blog post with some key insights from today’s chat: https://schoolofplot.com/blogs/writing-guides/ultimate-guide-to-blurb-writing-ft-jessie-cunniffe Jessie’s article on hooks: https://www.writtenwordmedia.com/mastering-the-art-of-writing-book-blurbs/Jessie’s freebie: http://anatomyofablurb.com/Jessie’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bookblurbmagicMy Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/schoolofplot
Guilty Pleasure Fantasy Tropes
A fun one. I asked you guys on Instagram (@schoolofplot) what your guilty pleasure fantasy tropes are. In this episode I discuss the top answers as well as share some of my own with Shay from Vine and Parchment.And as always, you can get free resources and whatnot here ⬇️ https://schoolofplot.com/pages/free-downloads
New Years Resolutions For Writers
I always set myself some writing goals at the start of the year (and I usually only complete them in December). And as always, you can get free resources and whatnot here ⬇️ https://schoolofplot.com/pages/free-downloads
Words to Delete From Your Novel
As I’m going through the drafting process, I’m keeping an eye on which words and phrases I want to cut from my manuscript. Here’s the list!And as always, you can get free resources and whatnot here ⬇️https://schoolofplot.com/pages/free-downloads