The blueberry industry is like no other: passionate, resilient, and innovative. This podcast is your source for the latest information on the production, market...
Newly Appointed NABC Chair Teddy Koukoulis and USHBC Chair Bryan Sakuma Look to the Future
In this episode of “The Business of Blueberries,” Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) and the North American Blueberry Council (NABC), is joined by Bryan Sakuma and Teddy Koukoulis, the incoming chairs of the USHBC and NABC. Together, they discuss what interested them in these new roles, the value the two organizations bring to each other and what their leadership will offer the blueberry industry going forward. “ As a farmer that's in Florida, I'm thinking the most important thing to me is the last two weeks of March and the first two weeks of April. But as a marketer, as a retailer, blueberries are important 365 days a year. … It's going to be one of my jobs as part of the NABC to continue these town hall meetings and educate people that other regions are not our enemies, that we can work together.” – Teddy Koukoulis Topics covered include: An introduction to Sakuma and Koukoulis, and their blueberry industry experience. An exploration of what brought them to their new roles and what they hope to achieve for the industry. A discussion about how the two organizations can work together and support each other to benefit the industry.Crop ReportThe Blueberry Crop Report is an update on crop conditions and markets throughout important blueberry growing areas. Today you’ll hear from Brittany Lee in Florida, Andres Armstrong in Chile and Luis Vegas in Peru. This was recorded on January 30, 2025.
Pat Goin Looks Back on Her Time as NABC Chair
In this episode of “The Business of Blueberries,” Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) and the North American Blueberry Council (NABC), is joined by Pat Goin. Goin and her husband, Kevin, own Goin’s Blueberry Lane in Indiana. Before her tenure as chair of the NABC Board of Directors, Goin served as board vice chair, and chair of the NABC’s Government Affairs Committee. She was also the chair of the USHBC’s Good Practices Committee. Goin reflects on her time as NABC board chair, highlights the progress that was made and discusses where she sees the industry going under its new leadership.“ The blueberry industry to me, has always been a large family. When we come together, it doesn't matter who you market for or what region you're in, you just try to find the common ground and move it forward. And those are the kinds of things we do in the states. Those are the kinds of things that we did in Peru and in Chile. So what a great experience.” – Pat Goin Topics covered include: Hear Goin’s reflections on her time as NABC chair. Explore the international and leadership experiences Goin participated in, and hear highlights of each of them.Crop ReportThe Blueberry Crop Report is an update on crop conditions and markets throughout important blueberry growing areas. Today you’ll hear from Andres Armstrong in Chile. This was recorded on January 23, 2025.
Reflections of a Chair: Shelly Hartmann on Her Legacy, Lessons
In this episode of “The Business of Blueberries,” Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) and the North American Blueberry Council (NABC), is joined by Shelly Hartmann, who is making her fifth appearance on the podcast. Hartmann served as chair of the USHBC from 2021 to 2024. This year, she leaves the position in the very capable hands of Bryan Sakuma. Hartmann reflects on her tenure with the USHBC and the lessons she learned, and shares her hopes for the future of the blueberry industry. “ I feel that one of the things I'm proudest of, if I had to say one, is the involvement and the growth of participation that we've been able to achieve in the three-and-a-half years, because we took something that was like an industry meeting and then now we've moved it into something that's more of an educational forum.” – Shelly Hartmann Topics covered include: A few of Hartmann’s experiences as the USHBC chair. A discussion of the many improvements Hartmann has seen in the blueberry industry and the council over the last few years.A glimpse into the future endeavors Hartmann sees the council participating in, and the benefits they’ll provide to blueberry growers.Crop ReportThe Blueberry Crop Report is an update on crop conditions and markets throughout important blueberry growing areas. Today you’ll hear from Luis Vegas in Peru, Andres Armstrong in Chile, Mario Ramirez in Mexico and Derrin Wheeler in Georgia. This was recorded on Jan. 16, 2025.
British Columbia Blueberries With Paul Pryce
In this episode of “The Business of Blueberries,” Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) and the North American Blueberry Council (NABC), is joined by Paul Pryce, the new executive director of the British Columbia Blueberry Council. Pryce previously served for nearly three years at the British Columbia Agriculture Council, and is passionate about food security and supporting those who feed our communities. He brings over 15 years of experience in government relations, advocacy, market development and international diplomacy to the Canadian Blueberry industry. “ We don't want to see people going out of production. We don't want to see bushes being pulled out. So, how do we keep those people in the game? And I think that's encouraging them.” — Paul Pryce Topics covered include: An introduction to Pryce and his expertise. The biggest concerns for Canadian blueberry growers, and how the British Columbia Blueberry Council is addressing them.An exploration of potential new markets for blueberries. The current dynamics along the U.S. border, and possible blueberry industry implications in the face of ever-changing global politics.Crop ReportThe Blueberry Crop Report is an update on crop conditions and markets throughout important blueberry growing areas. Today you’ll hear from Luis Vegas in Peru. This was recorded on January 8, 2025.
Blueberry Industry Growth Drivers - Part 2 With Hector Lujan
In this episode of “The Business of Blueberries,” Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) and the North American Blueberry Council (NABC), is joined by Hector Lujan,CEO at berry giant Hortifrut and the leader of its global operations. Lujan’s career spans over 20 years in the berry industry, with previous roles at Reiter and BerryMex. Last episode, Lujan shared what led him to his current position at Hortifrut. Today, he describes his perspective on the global blueberry industry. “ So, I think what we need to look at is, one, as marketers – to make sure that we are moving toward what the consumer wants and providing that product. And as growers – we are long-term thinkers and developing the industry with that long-term view because it will continue to grow the market.” — Hector Lujan Topics covered include: Lujan’s vision for the global blueberry industry.How to grow both the volume and value of the blueberry market.Dynamics in key growing regions like Mexico and Chile.Crop ReportThe Blueberry Crop Report is an update on crop conditions and markets throughout important blueberry growing areas. Today you’ll hear from Luis Vegas in Peru. This was recorded on January 2, 2025.
The blueberry industry is like no other: passionate, resilient, and innovative. This podcast is your source for the latest information on the production, markets, research and technology related to the blueberry value chain. This is the Business of Blueberries.