This podcast is produced by the Salvation Army Northwest Division’s music & worship arts department. Our goal with this podcast is to keep people better informe...
Episode 3 With Special Guests Hannah & Zach Smith (Part 2 of 2)
In this segment of Episode 3, we chat with Hannah and Zach about the release of their band's EP, The Honey Initiative. We also delve into their extensive experience in the praise and worship realm, explore the songwriting process, tease next summer's musical theater camp production, and much more.
Episode 3 With Special Guests Hannah & Zach Smith (Part 1 of 2)
In this episode we chat with Hannah & Zach Smith from the Eastern Territory, leaders of the last 2 Musical Theater Camps. Join us as we rank our favorite musicals, break down how the Smiths successfully tackle an expedited theater production, confront Zach on his controversial movie and M&M's takes, and more.
Episode 2 With Special Guest Summar Bussey (Part 2 of 2)
In this episode we continue our chat with Summar Bussey, the Salvation Army Western Territory's Director of Christian Education. Join us as we discuss all things Christmas, New Years, forthcoming Territorial events, Summar's unfortunate NY Yankees fandom, and more.
Episode 2 With Special Guest Summar Bussey (Part 1 of 2 )
In this episode we chat with Summar Bussey, The Salvation Army Western Territory's Christian Education Director. Join us as we discuss a wide array of topics such music & arts camps, dance as a form of worship, Summar's DJ prowess, and much more...
Episode 1: Beyond the Sound
In the first episode of Beyond the Sound, we dive into everything from a Summer camp recap, the upcoming 2024 kettle season, special shoutouts, and our favorite Halloween candy options.
This podcast is produced by the Salvation Army Northwest Division’s music & worship arts department. Our goal with this podcast is to keep people better informed with what’s happening across the division.