We rated episode 18 a SOLID 5 out of 5 pairs of Manolo Blahniks! Because there is so much to discuss: Petrovsky's invite to Paris, the awkward dinner party in which he drops the bomb...and what's going to happen to Carrie's column? And last but not least, the iconic scene in which Lexi Featherston falls out the window!
Enjoy :)
S6 E17: The Cold War (Awkward run-ins at Pastis!)
In this episode, Carrie and Petrovsky have awkward run-ins with their respective friend groups! Did Petrovsky leave a bad impression with the girls? Or was it a Carrie Tracker for her to interrupt his work time?
S6 E16: Out of the Frying Pan (Smith steps up)
Episode 16, marks big changes for the girls: Samantha beings to lose her hair, Carrie must face the facts of Samantha's diagnosis, Charlotte gets a dog (which she names Elizabeth Taylor), and Miranda considers moving to Brooklyn!
S6 E15: Catch38 (The Fertility 'Sode)
We are nearing the end of the series! Tear! And we are also nearing bigger life decisions for Carrie. In this episode, she contemplates motherhood along with committing to Petrovsky longterm. Miranda struggles to enjoy her honeymoon while Charlotte and Carrie watch Brady at home. The episode ends with Samantha getting an appointment at a top oncologist in NYC.
S6 E14: The Ick Factor (Are we starved for romance?)
We are nearing the end of the series and Episode 14 has a lot of drama! Miranda not only proposes but gets married to Steve and Samantha's breast augmentation immediately becomes a breast cancer diagnosis. Meanwhile, Charlotte gets food poisoning and Carrie receives a hot pink silk faille Oscar De La Renta dress at an over-the-top romantic date with Petrovsky! Is it all too much or are we just starved for romance?
A lot comes up about courtship, love, and the ick factor! Do you have a fun ick story? DM us at @themirandaspod on IG, we want to share it on the pod!