The Dive Down is a Magic: The Gathering podcast focused on the latest decks, trends, and strategies for the casual spikes in Modern, Pioneer, Explorer, and more...
It's Portland time! Join us as we go deep on Stan's tournament prep for the Modern RC. We talk Stan's testing journey with Boros Energy, go deep on the mirror and the other top matchups, discuss the finer points of Stone Rains, card advantage options, and more.
• Energy at the RC
• Mirror Matches
• The Rest of the Field
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6:02 - This week's show/housekeeping
11:18 - The Dive Down seems to begin: Talking about the upcoming SCG Portland RC
20:12 - Stan's testing process and planning for matchups
52:32 - Tournament predictions
1:01:52 - Find us in Portland!
1:05:47 - Wrapping up
Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - _Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?
email us: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Episode 306: You Can't Play Splinter Twin in Prague
After a huge weekend of Modern Regional Championships, we're tripping over spreadsheets of matchup data. We discuss which decks impressed us, surprised us, and disappointed us from three huge tournaments in Prague, Canada, and Brazil. Then we wrap up with a chat about our experiences playing Splinter Twin.
The Break Down: 45 Minutes of Regional Championships
The Dive Down: 30 Minutes of Splinter Twin
Become a citizen of The Dive Down Nation!:
Show the world that you're a proud citizen of The Dive Down Nation with some merch from the store:
Upgrade your gameplay and your gameday with Heavy Play accessories. Use code THEDIVEDOWN2024 for 10% off your first order at
Get 25% Cashback after 3 months of service with ManaTraders! and use coupon code THEDIVEDOWN
And now receive 8% off your order of paper cards from Nerd Rage Gaming with code DIVE8 at
* 9:05 - The Break Down begins: Some RCs!
* 43:40 - The Dive Down begins: Why are the Splinter Twin Stans quiet?
* 1:08:18 - Wrapping up
Links from this week's episode:
Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?
email us: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Episode 305: Why Mox Opal Is or Isn't the Best Card in Modern
As we continue to play with Modern's latest round of unbans, something has become apparent. Mox Opal is a heck of a card. On this week's show, we play it in Temur Breach, Affinity, Hammer Time, and Broodscale to figure where Opal shines and where it feels dull. Turns out, the card is quite good even when its deck is bad.
The history of Opal.
Breaching is easy!
Other Opal decks are whatever.
Become a citizen of The Dive Down Nation!:
Show the world that you're a proud citizen of The Dive Down Nation with some merch from the store:
Upgrade your gameplay and your gameday with Heavy Play accessories. Use code THEDIVEDOWN2024 for 10% off your first order at
Get 25% credit back after your first 3 months of renting ManaTraders! and use coupon code THEDIVEDOWN
And now receive 8% off your order of paper cards from Nerd Rage Gaming with code DIVE8 at
* 5:41 - This week's show/housekeeping
* 12:20 - The Dive Down begins: What we talk about when we talk about Mox Opal
* 13:28 - A bit of history
* 24:35 - The unban of Mox Opal
* 30:06 - Underworld Breach - the best deck in Modern?
* 47:55 - The decks people WANT to be good
* 1:01:14 - So how good is Mox Opal?
* 1:05:48 - Wrapping up
Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?
email us: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Episode 304: Why Isn’t Faithless Looting the Best Card in Modern?
In the first of our episodes diving into each card from the recent unbans, we take a deep look at Faithless Looting. First we take a look at the history of the card — all the way back to spoiler conversations — followed by a dive into many of the decks trying to play it in Modern today. Creativity? Check. Hollow One? Check. Phoenix? You know it. Dredge? Well, we almost forgot Dredge, but we at least mention it in passing. Why isn't it as powerful as it used to be? We have thoughts and those thoughts are what make us The Dive Down. And the recording of the thoughts, too.
• Devon Does it Again
• Draw Two, Discard Two, Do Nothing
• We All Just WANT to Play Phoenix, Ok?
Become a citizen of The Dive Down Nation!:
Show the world that you're a proud citizen of The Dive Down Nation with some merch from the store:
Upgrade your gameplay and your gameday with Heavy Play accessories. Use code THEDIVEDOWN2024 for 10% off your first order at
Get 10% off your first 2 months of ManaTraders! and use coupon code THEDIVEDOWN_OBX
And now receive 8% off your order of paper cards from Nerd Rage Gaming with code DIVE8 at
2:58 - Housekeeping/this week's episode
5:59 - The Break Down begins: Devin, relax!
13:20 - The Dive Down begins: Why isn't Faithless Looting the best card in Modern?
16:20 - The History and Present of Faithless Looting
25:44 - Excitement Levels
29:45 - Anatomy of a Looting
32:45 - From Here it's Just Decks
33:15 - Jund Creativity
35:45 - Hollow One
40:47 - Grixis Reanimator/Froculus
43:14 - Izzet Phoenix
46:15 - Mono-Red Phoenix
49:15 - Other Decks
52:55 - The Faithless Looting grudge match
1:05:20 - Wrapping up
Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?
email us: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Episode 303: The One Where Devon 9-0d a Spotlight
We're back — to podcasting. But also Devon's back — to large eventing. And, in a way, Magic is back — with a 1,400+ person open tournament. We spend this week talking about what happened, what's going on in Standard (Modern next week!), what the return of opens like the Spotlight Series means, and more. Devon cheats in overlords. Dave considers what to do with his wild cards. Stan starts working towards Portland.
• Hot in Hotlanta
• A Deck Full of Blade Splicers
• A Day Full of Ws
Become a citizen of The Dive Down Nation!:
Show the world that you're a proud citizen of The Dive Down Nation with some merch from the store:
Upgrade your gameplay and your gameday with Heavy Play accessories. Use code THEDIVEDOWN2024 for 10% off your first order at
Get 10% off your first 2 months of ManaTraders! and use coupon code THEDIVEDOWN_OBX
And now receive 8% off your order of paper cards from Nerd Rage Gaming with code DIVE8 at
4:02 - Housekeeping
5:01 - Spotlight Series Atlanta Begins
5:42 - The Selesnya Cage Deck: How and Why
11:21 - What Happened Round-by-Round
27:54 - Day 1 Ends/Day 2 Begins
39:45 - The Health of Standard
46:02 - Upcoming Spotlight Series
51:09 - Starting to Think About RCs
53:00 - Stan Will Be in New York!
Links from this week's episode:
Devon's Decklist from Atlanta:
Our opening music is Nowhere - You Never Knew, and our closing music is Space Blood - Goro? Is That Your Christian Name?
email us: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
The Dive Down is a Magic: The Gathering podcast focused on the latest decks, trends, and strategies for the casual spikes in Modern, Pioneer, Explorer, and more!
Each week your hosts Dave, Shane, and Stanislav discuss the latest innovations, competitive events, and level-up topics for paper and online players.
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Proudly sponsored by Heavy Play, a new card gaming accessories brand that'll improve your gameplay and game day. Use code THEDIVEDOWN2024 for 10% off your first order at
We're also sponsored by ManaTraders, the best Magic card rental service for both Magic Online and paper! Get 10% off your first 2 months of ManaTraders! or use Manatraders coupon code THEDIVEDOWN_8LU