Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 164: The Jackpots and Mind Games
Bart discusses the mind games that he sometimes goes through when playing with opponents that are CLP subscribers or other players that might know him. He makes a rare play in the first hand then says that he never would never have taken that line if he had known about the last hand. He also briefly touches on high hand and bad beat jackpot promotions and how they affect your winrate.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 163: Looking at Wet Board Runouts
This week Bart takes a look at some wet board runouts and discusses when you should turn a hand as good as top pair in to a bluff on such runouts.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 162: Bart's Christmas Weekend Nemesis
Bart covers a selection of hands from a Christmas weekend session played at $5/$10 $2k cap.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 161: Watch Yourself on the Front Door
Bart discusses the perils of trying to run a multi street bluff with the stiff nut suit when the front door flush comes in. He describes examples of what he called the polarity paradox in live poker.
Free Crush Live Poker Podcast No. 160: Adventures in 3-betting
This week Bart plays a non standard session at $2/$5 3betting almost every possible VPIPed hand