The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters i...
This week, the boys talk about becoming a God of Destruction Doctor, Ludwig's upcoming League Week, and the hightlights & lowlights of the Streamer Awards!
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Ep. 177 - Aiden Got Botox..
This week, the boys talk about slime's thanksgiving surgery, playing League of Legends together, and how Aiden got Botox...
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Ep. 176 - We've been cursed
This week, the boys talk about the newly formed yard council, whether outdoor cats are bad for the ecosystem, and how we've been cursed with rats at the office...
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Ep. 175 - Hanging Out with Pokimane!
This week, the boys are joined by Pokimane! they talk about their first time meeting Pokimane, their weirdest uber stories, and how a famous celebrity slid into Pokimanes DM's...
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Ep. 174 - The Worst Game Ever Made
This week, the boys talk about the future of PSL, Aidens hatred of dogs, and how the League of Legends addiction has infected everyone...
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The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.