Join our Patreon!!!Join us as Bauer and the Party talk to Eksalon and make their way through Melora's Tree's Demiplane.All music by Tim from Tabletop Audio:Tavern Soundboard, Bard Ballad by Tabletop AudioThe Feywild by Tabletop AudioDefiled Temple by Tabletop Audio
C1 Ep12 “The Forest Saga” On the Road to Lucunea
Support us on Patreon!!!Join us as Bauer and the Party wrap things up in the Ethereal Nexus and make their way to Lucunea.All music by Tim from Tabletop Audio:Tavern Soundboard, Bard Ballad by Tabletop AudioSalt Marsh by Tabletop AudioArcane Clockworks by Tabletop AudioThrough the Woods by Tabletop AudioLush World by Tabletop Audio
C1 Ep11 "The Forest Saga" Downtime Diversions
Support us on Patreon!!!Join us as Bauer and the Party venture around The Ethereal Nexus, solving some pending business they had on their belt and settle upon their bastion.All music by Tim from Tabletop Audio:Tavern Soundboard, Bard Ballad by Tabletop AudioSalt Marsh by Tabletop AudioDefiled Temple by Tabletop AudioArcane Athenaeum by Tabletop AudioShrine of Talos by Tabletop AudioSpirit of the Plains by Tabletop AudioAncient Beacon by Tabletop AudioHall of Angels by Tabletop AudioHalfling Lodge by Tabletop Audio
C1 Ep10 "The Ethereal Saga" For Once and for All
Support us on Patreon!!!Join us as Bauer and the Party go straight into battle against the magnetic elemental and Scorchwrath, the fire elemental representing the shadowy figure.All music by Tim from Tabletop Audio:Tavern Soundboard, Bard Ballad by Tabletop AudioBarovian Castle by Tabletop AudioSalt Marsh by Tabletop AudioHalfling Lodge by Tabletop AudioThe Feywild by Tabletop Audio
C1 Ep9 "The Ethereal Saga" Sources of Power
Support us on Patreon!!!Join us as Bauer and the Party wake up from their terrible R-Kane hangover and figure out how to defeat the fire elemental once and for all.... with just a little detour.All music by Tim from Tabletop Audio:Tavern Soundboard, Bard Ballad by Tabletop AudioHalfling Lodge by Tabletop AudioGhost Town by Tabletop AudioSubmerged by Tabletop AudioSpirit of the Plains by Tabletop AudioBarovian Castle by Tabletop AudioCandlekeep by Tabletop Audio