This week it's all eyes on Griffith as our favorite silver-haired boy is getting promotions left and right. With an even larger target painted on his back, we're starting to understand the nefarious plans of some of the nobles, all while the interpersonal relationships among the members of the Band of the Hawk become increasingly complex.
Griffin Rizz Build (Berserk 02)
Before embarking on Berserk, Jeff was told this anime was going to take him places that perhaps he did not want to go. But by his account, it's been pretty smooth sailing so far. This week, we'll unpack the blossoming character dynamics as Guts, Griffith, and Bakalar's favorite, Corkus, all start to make their opinions known, gay water fights and all.
Snake Face (Berserk 01)
The Berserk Gaiden begins! Welcome back to JeffJeff's Bizarre Adventure. The gang is diving right into the deep end by embarking on the 1997 anime. In this episode we're introduced to Guts and his big-ass sword. Why is he able to wield such a big sword? What's that about? And who's this Griffith guy? And why's his hair so nice? There's a lot to discuss this week, but we'll hold your hand every step of the way as we enter a brand new anime for the show.
Starfish thesis (Diamond is Unbreakable 19)
Time loops, arrows, pylons, mistaken lotteries, rock statues, starfish-- it's been an absolute hell of a season here and we're delighted to be able to recap these last 3 anime episodes with you today. It's been an incredible ride through the town of Morioh and all the stars are here to help say goodbye (and ascend to heaven). Enjoy our last Diamond is Unbreakable recap and stick around to the end of the show for a few hints to where JeffJeff's Bizarre Adventure goes next. [podcast covers anime episodes 37: "Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 1" , 38: "Crazy Diamond is Unbreakable, Part 2" and 39: "Goodbye, Morioh - The Golden Heart"]
Groundhog Days (Diamond is Unbreakable 18)
The gang is very close to discovering the true identity of Kira, but not before we've had a visit from everyone's favorite renegade Polaroid, Yoshihiro. His arrow is up to no good, and is about to give Kira a new ability. How come he gets three Stand abilities? Déjà vu. [podcast covers anime episodes 35: "Another One Bites the Dust, Part 1" and 36: "Another One Bites the Dust, Part 2"]