Each week we will act as judge, prosecution, and defence as we recreate a courtroom scenario, and decide whether a much loved (or hated) film should end up on t...
Fight Club is on trial this week. Is it a love tap or a sucker punch?
Alex defends, saying a faithful adaptation of the original classic novel coupled with David Fincher's magic touch make this a knockout. Gav thinks this fight was thrown, saying its mixed and confusing messages have not aged well, and that Brad Pitt's Tyler Durden hits below the belt.
All this with an impression of Meatloaf and a quiz all about rules in films. Who is coffee for?
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) is on trial this week. A sweet treat or like falling into a brown, disgusting river?
Dave defends this sleeper hit, saying an iconic performance from Gene Wilder, hit songs and a tasty supporting cast make this a classic. Gav disagrees, saying the film glosses over the questionable morals of a psychotic capitalist who is likely guilty of trafficking the Oompa Loompas.
All this with an impression of an Oompa Loompa and a quiz all about famous movie restaurants.
City of Angels
City of Angels is on trial. A match made in heaven or has hell frozen over?
Gav defends this week, pointing to a rich story that doesn't tug on your heartstrings for the sake of it and sublime performances. The devil is the details for Alex however, as he struggles to get past Maggie's lack of basic cycle safety awareness.
All this with an impression of Dennis Franz and a quiz all about songs commissioned especially for movies.
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
This week we put The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent on trial. Is it pulling its weight, or is it too much weight to bear?
Dave says that it's an enjoyable comic piece with two great central performances, whereas Alex argues that it has a lot of potential which it never delivers on. All of this plus a quiz about heavy items and an impression of the man himself.
Let us know what you think of the episode, and don't forget to leave us a 5* rating.
Adaptation is on trial this week. Fresh as a daisy or best if we nip it in the bud?
Alex defends one of his all time favourites, saying stand out performances from a stellar cast coupled with a truly original story and tight script make this a bed of roses. Gav and Dave have no qualms trampling on every single argument however, calling this masterpiece "w*nky" and asking the question: is a car chase a car chase if no car is being chased?
All this with a quiz where we guess films from a tagline with blanks included and an impression of a Florida man.
Each week we will act as judge, prosecution, and defence as we recreate a courtroom scenario, and decide whether a much loved (or hated) film should end up on the Hit List or not. Film trivia, quizzes, banter, terrible impressions, musical interludes, and lots of debating ensue as we put Films on Trial.