Trends in Commodities in 2025 Impacting CTRM Software - CTRMRadio 48
As 2025 is unveiled, we asked a number of senior CTRM and related software executives what they saw as the key trends in commodities for 2025 and what impact that may have on the software category going forward. Views were led by geopolitics but encompassed a vast number of topics that included traceability, regulations, tariffs, electrification and the energy transition, migration to the cloud and legacy replacement amongst others.
Our thanks to Andre Jaeger of ION Commodities, Natallia Hunik of CubeLogic, Rob Sanders of Dycotrade, Mark Tredway of Enuit, Richard Williamson of Gen10, Harry Knott of Quor Eka, and Ben Tranier of EnergyOne for their contributions to this fascinating podcast.
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The Pros and Cons of SaaS Deployed E/CTRM - CTRMRadio 47
In this episode of CTRMRadio we look at SaaS deployed ETRM / CTEM and Commodity Management solutions - the pros and cons. We talk with Dmtry Mykhalchuk, CEO of SaaS CTRM, GrainTrack, Saurabh Goyal, CEO of SaaS Commodity Management Phlo Systems and Bjarne Johansen, of SaaS ETRM provider - Aurora Systems to get answers.
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Thanks to our guests in this episode.
ETTRadio 2 - Conversation with Christoph Malzer, Navitasoft - VPP Report
In this episode, Irina Reitgruber of Commodity Technology Advisory interviews Christophe Malzer of Navitasoft about the recently released VPP report. Navitasoft was a sponsor of the study along with Beacon and Energy One. We thank the sponsors for making the research possible.
The report was issued recently and is available as a Free download from ( It is also available on
ETTRadio - Conversation with Sunny Tiwana, Energy One - VPP Report
In this episode, Irina Reitgruber of Commodity Technology Advisory interviews Sunny Tiwana of Energy One about the recently released VPP report. Energy One was a sponsor of the study along with Beacon and Navitasoft. We thank the sponsors for making the research possible.
The report was issued recently and is available as a Free download from ( It is also available on
Supplementation Strategies with CTRM - CTRMRadio 46
In this episode we look at how firms are looking at supplementing legacy CTRM solutions with SaaS cloud apps in order to keep up with market shifts or business changes. We explore supplementation as a strategy and the use cases for it as well as looking at how it impacts overall architecture.
We talk with Richard Williamson of Gen10, Andre Jaeger of ION Commodities and Justin Howat of Topaz. Many thanks to them for their participation.