Mason, Ireland, Pepe, and MT dive back into the Eagles Super Bowl victory! Is it still true that, ‘defense wins championships’? What are next year's way to early Super Bowl odds? What can the guys expect tonight from Luka if he does play? Are the Super Bowl commercials overhyped now? Game of Games, plus Supercross Talk with Sedano and Kap!
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HR 2: Trade Rescinded
Time for Sports Graffiti! Was someone complaining about the refs after the Super Bowl? The guys dive into the trade between the Lakers and Hornets that was rescinded? Will Luka Doncic be making his Lakers debut tonight? Mason, Ireland, Pepe, and Mychal Thompson discuss what is happening down in Dallas with the Mavericks? Wassup Foo!
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HR 1: Reaction Monday
Mason and Ireland kick off the show today with their Super Bowl reactions! Does anyone remember what any commercials were actually for? How good was Kendrick Lamar’s halftime performance? The crew went through their prop bets, who did the best? Kike Hernandez resigns with the Dodgers! The Lakers defense was great once again on Saturday! Pepe Mantilla joins the guys in the studio today! Wheel of Questions!
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HR 3: Big Game Prop Bets
Mason and Ireland dive into what they would want from team owners. The guys make some prop bets for the big game on Sunday! Who will be the Super Bowl MVP? What is the Over/Under for the amount of Eagles tush pushes? Jared Verse has won the defensive rookie of the year! Game of Games, plus Supercross talk with Sedano and Kap!
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HR 2: False Reports?
Time for Sports Graffiti! The guys dive into reports from last night around one of the newest Lakers that have turned out to be false. Have the Brady restrictions been waived for this week? Who is the best NFL broadcasting team? Who are some potential buyout candidates? Wassup Foo!
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