This week of Fathoms Deep, we are joined by Adam Serwer, staff writer for The Atlantic, and Jon Steinberg, Black Sails show runner and wrangler of pirates. We talk politics, history, Treasure Island, and Jon tells us his parrot head canon.This episode dedicated to Robert Levine and his gentile encouragement.SPOILERS for all Four Seasons of Black SailsSupport us on Patreon for Black Sails commentary tracks, bonus episodes, and our undying love.Buy Elizabeth's Book and see Daphne's JewelryGet your Ask Me About Black Sails shirts here!Introducing Fathoms Deep T-shirts!You can buy Fathoms Deep jewelry! us a message! 405-67FLINT (yes, we said Flint)Follow us on Twitter! @BlackSailsCast using the hashtag #FathomsDeepE-mail us at
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